Another depressing day as the latest council tax leaflet drops through the door with the added glossy leaflet from lib Dems which must have cost a few bob. My favourite quote from Martin Wrigley "We know that many local residents struggle to make ends meet in the best of times and Teignbridge is doing the what it can to ease the pressure" Yes sure....above inflation rises,car parking increases, bin tax increases etc etc to keep soaking the working population. The really sad point is that if the Tories were in power they would do the exact same. Whatever happened to our local independent councillors to get these showers out of office.
Yes not bad council tax up £8 a month, pension up £12 a month so £4 left for inflation increases. What happened to the extra revenue due from all the extra houses, oh sorry forgot thats to top up pension and bonuses as they have all had a hard year working from home.
Local government throughout the country, irrespective of which political party (or group of Independent councillors) is in power, has been subject to continual cuts from central government funding for years now. I've just done a quick online search and found this.
By 2020, local authorities will have faced a reduction to core funding from the Government of nearly £16 billion over the preceding decade. That means that councils will have lost 60p out of every £1 the Government had provided to spend on local services in the last eight years.
All those elected officials know how to do certain things very well ... waste tax payers money, fill their pocket and tax us to the hilt. Whether its local councils up to central government. Throughout this SCAMDEMIC have you seen any of your bills reduce? no, but I can bet many of the services have. The added bonus is that in many cases if you do not pay the increases the bully boys will be sent round to ruff you up and take your stuff or at the extreme put you in jail. What a lovely democratic society we live in, ha,ha,ha.