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General Discussion

Seems a shame the flowers in the baskets fixed to the two bridges in town have not been watered in a while and are wilting away.

A sunny Sunday
10 Apr 2017

Nice pics ZIGGY, thanks for sharing.

Considering so few new builds around Dawlish are for housing association/local people, where do all these buyers come from. Most of the houses built are sold at current market value. I thought the whole point of this 'cycle path' style attitude for these building projects, created by central government, was to get all those people who were local/ low payed/ homeless somewhere to live. All that ...

7 Apr 2017

See the sort of money the fat cats pay themselves in the Trust's

Tom, people complain about, some cyclist's not all, the lycra brigade are the worst on the road. In my own observations whilst using the road the lycra clads rarely comply with the highway code and can become very aggressive and can be a danger to other road user's. As to the new cycle/perdestrian area's in Dawlish. They are dangerous for pedestrians because, as Margaret has pointed out, there ...

Ken - there should be a sign that states the council will be fined if the containers are not emptied in a timely manner. Typical council to try and make a profit out of their own ineptitude to regularly empty the recycling containers.

Who do the counclis down here actually support, the people that reside here or central governments whims and the major construction companies at the expense of the locals and their environment? Does Dawlish council actually exist or is it just a figment of my imagination? As I walk around Dawlish, on a daily basis, it annoys me that:- 1) Drunks congregating on The Lawn to consume ...

Took some tins to be recycled to the Barton Hill car park. I was surprised to find, or not as the case maybe, that there is no facility for recycling of tin cans. A few other people had also brought bags of tins down and then left them hanging of the recycling skip brackets, not that I blame them. Why is it that Teignmouth's Eastcliffe car park has a tin bank, but we do not? Double standards ...

The problem is not NHS funding, the problem is where all the money goes and on what. The NHS is a business and as such the books need balancing. For to many decades fat cat adminstrators and their cronies have been sucking the NHS dry. What is needed is a thinning of these so called administrators and their empires. Money needs to be put into the healing/caring of people not ...

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