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BEE9's Posts

@MV - you're certainly being something.

@MV - maybe you could keep you opinions to yourself for a change, just a thought. I don't pay £2k a year in rates just to do the council's work for them. Whilst millions of pounds are spent in the district on non essentials.

Country park! so one area full of wildlife is bulldozed and concreted over under the banner of building affordable housing for local people, we all know that that is a croc of poop. Then the blood money for building houses that were not needed in the first place is used to build a revenue earning 'country park' for the local council on another area untouched by development. To say that the ...

Go back many years and Dawlish always had street cleaners making sure that the area was spick and span. Now it's a different story. As I walked through the little green area to the side of the Barton car park I was met with the following images, not what a tourist to the area wants to see. This is certainly not the first time I have seen these images in this area. Also the amount of leaves on ...

@ZIGGY - shame his not still on the council

15 Aug 2016

I have commented on this before, but it seems to be getting worse. Walking along the sea wall from the railway underpass towards Coryton cove I noticed that there is not one seat left on the wall parallel with the railway line. I counted at least 6 hard standing points where there used to be seats. Only a few weeks ago there was at least 1 seat in place. Add that to the number of seats that ...

In a time of supposed 'AUSTERITY' and with cuts to most essential services throughout Teignbridge millions have and are being spent on large scale developments by our councils. The usual excuse is that this money comes from outside the local area and as such we either spend it on some lavish scheme or don't have it. At the end of the day THIS money came, mostly, from hard working taxpayers. ...

Carer, It's a footpath. I and other pedestrians should be able to walk along there at anytime and not be diverted into moving vehicular traffic.

I have inserted a link below that goes into great detail over mortality in male/females in England and Wales. It gives an incite into the dilema the 'governement' has about finding the money to pay future pensions. An interesting read, if you have the time.

Hot dog in car today.
10 Aug 2016

@Daverc - me too, but knowing my luck the dog would most probably go for me as well.