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General Discussion

Lack of street cleaning in Dawlish

15 Aug 2016 09:31

Go back many years and Dawlish always had street cleaners making sure that the area was spick and span. Now it's a different story.

As I walked through the little green area to the side of the Barton car park I was met with the following images, not what a tourist to the area wants to see. This is certainly not the first time I have seen these images in this area. Also the amount of leaves on the walkway makes it very slippery dry or wet.

It is usually frequented by the busy brigade and kids.


IMG 7591IMG 7593IMG 7592IMG 7594



15 Aug 2016 10:35

Do you think it might have something to do with George Osborne's austerity regime whereby along with cuts to the welfare budget and other aspects of public spending he cut back on council funding?

Thereby leading to a reduction in the services that councils could once afford to provide?    

1 Agree
Morty Vicker
Morty Vicker
15 Aug 2016 11:30

Maybe someone should set up a volunteers group? Call it "Pride in Dawlish" or whatever, and instead of moaning or taking photos of fallen tree leaves, use that time to make a small difference. Just a thought. And yes, I know people will say that's what we should be paying our taxes for, but civic pride costs nothing doesn't it?  And it might make you feel a bit better about yourself into the bargain. 

1 Agree
15 Aug 2016 12:19

Tories like volunteers.

1 Agree
Morty Vicker
Morty Vicker
15 Aug 2016 13:11

The people being helped like volunteers too. 

15 Aug 2016 14:13

Provided the volunteers know what they are doing and are not well intentioned but ill-equipped/ill-informed amateurs. 

15 Aug 2016 14:52

@MV - maybe you could keep you opinions to yourself for a change, just a thought. I don't pay £2k a year in rates just to do the council's work for them. Whilst millions of pounds are spent in the district on non essentials.

3 Agrees
Morty Vicker
Morty Vicker
15 Aug 2016 15:07

Bee9, you're asking me to keep me opinions to myself? This is a forum, officer, and so I'm as entitled to my positive opinions as you are to your negative opinions.


What are rates? They don't exist in the 21st century. I pay £1.2K a year in council tax, but don't begrudge for a moment having to occasionally get my strimmer out to keep the grass verges in front of my home looking tidy. Like I said, it's about having a bit of pride. 

1 Agree
15 Aug 2016 16:32

The trouble with litter and the like is that as soon as there is some, it tends to multiply. It is about changing attitudes so that people don't litter the area in the first place, but also a change of attitude from all of us. The Council would have to spend most of its budget to keep every path, pavement, road and park clean and tidy 24/7. That's a ridiculous thing to have to happen. Alternatively if each and every one of us did our bit - kept the area in front of our homes and/or businesses tidy, picked up litter blowing in the street, reported fly tipping straight away and only used licensed waste disposal carriers if we need to get rid of stuff, then gradually everything looks better and there is less likelihood of people feeling it is ok to make the place look awful. The Council still need to do their part - and that includes refuse collectors picking up the stuff that has blown out of recycling boxes for a start. But if everyone just sat back every time and said "someone needs to do something about that, but I shouldn't have to be that someone" then don't be surprised if there aren't enough funds to make the place look amazing all the time. 

4 Agrees
15 Aug 2016 18:46

This country unlike other countries does not take litter seriously enough. There should be huge fines, In Singapore you would be in big trouble. Also Wellington in NZ is immaculate.

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