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1263's Posts

Scapegoat, Interesting to note what you will say if the" lame duck " wins a second term as currently predicted.

24 May 2019

Here's the crux of the matter " Anyone can laugh at whatever they want, entirely up to them. " Nuff said

24 May 2019 don't have a problem with jokes about religion, so did you laugh at the monty python life of brian reagrding the cruxification ??? whats the difference christian/muslim, method of execution still barbaric , but normal people see it  for what it is, a joke or sketch which is funny, it does not imply that because of this people are necessary racist etc..... p.s  Why would you ...

Nigel Farage
24 May 2019

Saw Alision foden at the polling STATION  with a lib-dem and european union flag............obviously believing the voterS are  going to vote lib dem so that we stay in the EU..... another party not living in the real world.

24 May 2019

Farage doesn't care about "the people".---  Hello !!!!!  what politican does....!!!!!!!!!!!

24 May 2019

You miss the point, is this group,  a place where you can post something that is factually "true" but is removed because other people don't like it,  what ever happened to "free speech" Is the issue that the origional comment was a joke, however much in bad taste  was still a joke and people  need to grow up and take it as it was meant  within context without rushing out crying to condemn, ...

Start of bulls*it season as one political party slags of the previous incumbent. I would assume all this had been previously discussed in financial meetings with the lib-dems involved and this is just point scoring. When are these parties going to wake up to the fact that this typre of politics are dead and thats why the electroate are fed up with it and want local issues dealt with rather than ...

Humans 'threaten 1m species with extinction' Who counted them up and can I get a job with them

22 May 2019

Duckileaks, as to your question as to why i find it funny- answer is because i have a sense of humour - try getting one.

22 May 2019

No humour allowed on this side - everthing must be PC, don't offend anyone and  agree with anyone, who calls you racist, homophobic, intorable, or any other title that does not fit in with the vocal minorities views.