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OurSoul's Posts

Yes it's a pain having to work over a bank holiday weekend. Especially one when the train service is reduced due to industrial action!

5 Sep 2015

Has the research mentioned on August 28th taken a bit longer than expected? Or are the knives still being sharpened?

Scary if true. Thanks for letting us know Carer.

4 Sep 2015

A pensioner has been ordered to sign on the sex offenders' register after he admitted trying to get under age girls to send him naked pictures over the internet. Stephen Clark was warned he could be facing a jail sentence after he also admitted distributing and possessing child abuse images. Read more about this piece of scum at: ...

It's not that they get quietly dropped, it's that no medical practices take up the opportunity, for whatever reason (presumably due to a perceived lack of demand felt by the practitioners?). A prime example is the new Buntings development - the workspace was built there, but hasn't been taken up.

Whilst Merlin is/was undoubtedly connected to the food trade, they've nothing to do with Duck Aller Farm. That photo you've seen isn't Merlins profile photo, it's a photo posted by the webmaster into the Notices section of this website.

30 Aug 2015

Could be Sammy, the ultra-friendly resident of Oddicombe beach and that area.

I can only assume that the webmaster deleted it because I posted a photo of the offending letter. Clearly he's scared witless about copyright infringements, so why he didn't just delete the photo - well, who knows?

Petrol price signs
27 Aug 2015

Prices have come down at Sainsburys since the roadside sign disappeared. They still have the large sign in place there on the Car Park side (and is visible from the road).

27 Aug 2015

Sainsbury Dawlish can be contacted on 01626 863093. Happy to help.