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04 Jun 2014 10:14

So now it seems that according to a report rock pool cafe was not burnt down by arsonist as everyone stated including the holmans in the local paper, but through an newly installed appliance or something with a heatng element left turned on. It seemed at the time others were quick to blame  local youngsters or indeed someone even asking who would benefit from this. Maybe now these same people should stand up and be acounted for causing unnecessary bad feelings towards these members of the community and indeed a bad reputation in general on Dawlish.

4 Agrees
04 Jun 2014 12:38

I thought people were quick to offer help and sympathy rather than blame.  Perhaps it just depends on your viewpoint.

5 Agrees
04 Jun 2014 13:09

No one was directly blamed and i am certain no one has suffered from any general comments made or any bad feeling has been felt by any resident in Dawlish apart from Merlin228.

3 Agrees
04 Jun 2014 16:26

I have spoken to Mrs Holman and they have no knowledge of any such report.  Would Merlin228 please let us know where they saw the report and please give us a contact name and telephone number in order that we may verify this report. 

4 Agrees
04 Jun 2014 18:05

@Lindapetherick - i don't think @Merlin228 worded his post correctly. what it should have read is "according a rumour" i entiely agree with @Lindapetherick, it would be lovely if @Merlin228 would be kind enough to state who wrote such report, where it come from and prove its authenticity to the board!?

2 Agrees
04 Jun 2014 18:13

The fire brigade are excellent at pinpointing causes of fire - was there a definitive statement from them?

2 Agrees
10 Jun 2014 07:44

well its not there now,however move on...


1 Agree
20 Jun 2014 09:52

I am wondering after 16 days why we have not had it confirmed by the Holman's or Rock pool cafe (Dawlish) Ltd. (oh yes that is something else that has been ommitted its a ltd co with the sole dirctor of Mr Holman which now has a valuble tax loss to claim) maybe the £30'000 that was talked about of thier lfe saveing's although I couldnt see them paying anything like that to the last owner and most of what they had was left by him  and what they added would only come to a fraction of £30,000 unless the 5star holidays they took last are to be deemed as business trips I digress

the fire has been investegated by fire and police S O C O and it is found not as arson in fact there was a new appliance installed not long before the fire which has never been metioned

this fire was going for a long time before it was apparent for the out side of the hut which is why there was so little left no plastic from the fridges virtually no embers or chared timbers I am sorry for the Holmans or anyone that suffers such a thing however when you are aware that people are collecting money for you I think its important to be very clear about the situation


I think this man who described himself on linkedin as a director at RBS Edinbrough should

let people know

the outcome of the Police investgation into the fire


the status of the business is it a family affair or is it Rock Pool Cafe (Dawlish) Ltd. with a sole director and a tax loss


for anyone that would like to know the police veiw I have heard it from PC Raymond Faichney (16180) and the Local PCSO or DC Dan Worjiechowski at Newton abbot Police



3 Agrees
20 Jun 2014 11:14

So you went to the trouble of setting yourself up as a new user just to write this malicious post?  Why do you have an axe to grind?


FYI there is nothing untoward about a family business being a limited company with a sole director, and you can only carry forward losses against profits.  Out of curiosity I looked at Mr Holman's LinkedIn profile and nowhere does he claim to be a director at RBS, he was in Project Management for them.  And with a long track record in commerce, who wouldn't have 5 star holidays.  A touch of the green eyed monster rearing its head?


I don't know the Holmans, I don't know what caused the fire, but I don't need the likes of you speading your anonymous muck.


5 Agrees
21 Jun 2014 04:03

For the att of Mcjrpc

        Thank you for a most rude wecome on the 1/8/14 you set yourself as a new user just as I have recently (I don't think you can post without doing this) I have been watching this issue for some time and I have a view however I don't feel it as you state that it is "malicious" in fact I did express sympathy for the Holmans or anyone that suffers such a thing

You have made many comments on this site since you have joined so do you have an axe to grind or would you like to pass on information and put your view forward ?

That is what I was trying to do

As for your view in the above post some I quite agree with there is nothing untoward about a family business being a ltd co but if there is only one director and one share holder that is not a familiy business its a Ltd company with other members of the family being share holders or directors it would be a family business and I see nothing wrong in that however when there is Begging for cash I think that the people that are asked (and I was asked) as were all the people of Dawlish and past customers of rock pool cafe the situation should be completly clear and honest and without half truths as for what you can do with a company that has tax losses extends far past claiming on future profits but I'm not here to give you corprate advice  i'm pleased I got your curiosity going to the extent that you logged on to linkedin but to put you right about punctuation in my first post I said  "described himself on linkedin as a director at RBS Edinbrough" If I meant he was still posted as a director I would have said "describes"    I belive it was changed a couple of months ago you go on to say he has a long track record in commerce and I don't disagree with you but with such a track record if he decides not to insure(would that have cost as much as the holidays?) with such a track record why has he not made a provision to cover uninsured losses or costs you ask who wouldnt have 5 star holidays I would in fact 5 and 7 star holidays are one of my guilty weakness'es but when my comitments are met ! and when I return I have fiscal control in my life and I don't have to ask for charity as for the green eyed monster question I have no shortage of past and future holidays

you say


"I don't know the Holmans, I don't know what caused the fire, but I don't need the likes of you speading your anonymous muck."


I don't know the Holmans and don't know what caused the fire but I want'nt posting for your benifit you hadnt joined the thread at that time  if you read the earlier posts you can note there are three people asking where the information had come from now they know and can ask the Police for themselves as for being anonymous I don't think I am any more anonymous than you are I'm sure I cant look you in the white pages as Mcjrpc I do hope that I will be allowed to continue to make posts on this site as I do have a foundness for Dawlish and Dawlish people without being acused of being malicious and being termed "as you likes of you" 

2 Agrees
05 Jul 2014 17:54

Great to see the pile of scrap moved from coryton cove                                                         But why have the people Teignbridge had to pay to clear away the mess the Holmans have left ?

1 Agree
06 Jul 2014 12:57

Has anyone looked at Merlin228's only other thread?  Interesting. 

06 Jul 2014 16:35

@Mcjrpc i take it from your post that you seem to be believing that i have 2 accounts on here which is total rubish. i only have this 1 account and see no reason to want or need another, as you have brought this up makes me wonder how many accounts under diffrent names you must be using? to your point on the other post/threads i have written, yes is about the cafe at coryton cove cause those who do know me ( yes some do ) know im a good friend of bob and barbra mchardy and i feel that tdc acted disgustingly over thier handling in the maner of tenancy after 31yrs of bob and barbra running the place. i have nothing against the holmans as i don't know them personaly but have resevations as to thier financial planning when running a small business with little or no money for back up support whilst taking exotic holidays. am i jealous, well i've been around the world staying in some beautiful locations but now due to wifes disablities stay in the uk so the answer is yes and no but not realy the point.

To answer others where did the report come from , I was taking to TDC about a seperate matter when I was told of this by them from the report they had. I understand that should any of you wish go to Devon & Summerset Fire & Rescue website look for the relavent page on fire reports fill in the form pay your fee and you can get a copy. 


1 Agree
06 Jul 2014 18:31
I wasn't suggesting that you and Annother46 are one and the same, I was struck by how your own threads indicate bad blood between the Pirates Chest and Rock Pool Cafe.  It was never alluded to on this forum so if your intention was to defend your friends against gossip or rumour elsewhere, you and Annother46 are making it worse by hitting out in similar snide ways. 
06 Jul 2014 20:35

Mcjrpc I will reply to your post with restraint but I would like you to define just what you mean by "snide" and point out I have never mentioned friends in this forum but I am scornful of T D C useing ratepayers money to clear up a commercial mess I'm sure the directors of Trago Mills were not aware of such a scheme maybe they could get T D C to pay the loading from their fire claim ? "elsewhere" what do you mean by this ? do you mean not on here ? have you been elected to say what and where people can say ? "making it worse" I only hope that T D C don't offer the same "terms" to all the other business's that mess up that would really make it worse !

1 Agree
07 Jul 2014 09:26

Without wishing to take part in your private bickering session, I believe Teignbridge paid for the tidy up as it was their property, and they leased it out!

3 Agrees
07 Jul 2014 17:02

Thank you Chris my point in one sentance and most of the waste had been left by the lease holder why have Teignbridge (or you I and others living in T D C) having to pay for comercial waste ?

1 Agree
16 Jul 2014 10:06

so much to say before now the truth is out silence FROM EVERYONE !

Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
16 Jul 2014 10:43

Is the truth out?  Whereabouts?  Could you please provide a link to a webpage that confirms the truth?  Thanks. 

16 Jul 2014 14:06

Well I gave up commenting because I couldn't keep up with all the ranting and rambling.  So if it wasn't arson it was an accident.  That's better isn't it? 

2 Agrees
16 Jul 2014 19:52

Judith Chalmers  at the start of this thread Merlin stated it was not arson this was denied  by Mrs Holman through Lindapetherick and a request was made to verify the report from lindapetherick & the observer which for reasons only known to merlin he didnt but I simply asked our local police and they told me it was not arson as there had been no updates from Merlin I decided to add what I had learnt and explained where the information had come from I felt this was important as there was begging in progress for this familiy ? business ? cafe? but the basis of the begging was and is untrue further to that Merlin has now posted details of the D & C fire service so yet another source or you could ask your local police man/woman or C O  that is to the cause of fire but another very important matter is why are we the rate payer having to pay for the disposal of the Rock pool cafe's controled waste the council should not have spent our money clearing up a commercial mess but what I will say one more time is since the truth has come out SILENCE some times silence speaks volumes !



1 Agree
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
16 Jul 2014 22:57

So the answer to my question is "No". Thanks for clarifying that. 


Though at at least you know that Merlin is a man...

17 Jul 2014 08:03

Judith Chalmers

the answer to your question is yes !


Devon & Cornwall Police or Fire service


I assume Merlin is a Man as he refers to his Wife in his post of 6/7


Ive lisened to Judith Chalmers on the radio she doesnt come across as dim at all

if you are having problems reading all the words why not get a grown up to help you ?

1 Agree
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 08:40
A punctuated reply would have been appreciated. So, no link then just your word. Fair enough, as you were then. 
PS you are doing Bob and Barbara absolutely no favours at all with your illiterate rants and innuendos and half-truths.   
1 Agree
17 Jul 2014 09:50

Sorry about the lack of punctuation I've always done my letters into a microphone so spelling and proper punctuation is very poor I admit .

however you say just   "your word. just"

This is not the case I will reitarate

Devon & Cornwall Police telphone 101 ask DC Dan Worjiechowski at Newton abbot Police or ask a local police offier  

also Devon & summerset fire service have a web page that Marlin has given details of


Why would I be expected to do "Bob and Barbara" a favour ?

I have admitted my literatecy skills are not what they should be and said sorry

as for "rant" do you understand the meaning of the word ? RANT = speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.

I didnt start this thread but questions were raised (lindapetherick the observer) this rased my intrest and I simpley found out by asking a Policeman and I passed on what I had found out

now I do not feel that it is right that begging is going on without the full facts being put  to the people that are being asked I think in this case people are almost being misled

I reitarate it has gone very quite by the people that were asking the questions and indeed discounting Marlin's first and it turns out acurate post

although he failed to mention the misuse of public money being used to clear up this commercial mess

17 Jul 2014 13:22

If the fire was caused by a an electrical appliance supplied and fitted by the lease holder and Teignbridge have decided to clear the mess up. It is surely down to Teignbridge council to seek renumeration from the lease holder for the cost. My question for clarity of responsibility for payment of the clearup would be. Was the lease holder requested/ given the opportunity to clear the site themselves? If the lease holder had not, then I would have thought Teignbridge council will have to pick up the bill!

At least it has been cleared and that must be a positive for what is a nice section of our beach line, is it not?

2 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 18:41

If Teignbridge council pick up the bill that means I and every other rate payer is paying to clean up someone else's mess. I belive this business was very sucsessful when open why can it not now pay its way ? (Its not a bank ! I know they expect the public to pay when they take too much out of the pot )

I belive there is some kind of nepotism going on here this premise was let on a full repairing lease which means it should be returned in same condition or dilapidations paid by the lease holder

Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 18:57

So you know the terms of the lease??  I think you've let slip that you and Merlin have both got an axe to grind for yourself rather than on behalf of taxpayers. Thanks. 

17 Jul 2014 19:33

judith Chalmers you are a dim witted rude -------- I have nothing to let slip and have not let anything slip I do have an axe to grind and anyone with a small amount of inteliegence will see that Merlin and myself are coming from completley different point's (his beef is about the last tenants Bob & Barbara and the way T D C have treated them

mine is not !

Yes I know the lease terms  its a publicy owned building anyone that wants to know can find out

3 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 20:06

FFS give it a rest!!!!

3 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 20:16

is that on your say so  roberta ?

I would like to hear some answers from the people that questioned  denied and ridiculed

the first post in this thread just looking for the truth whats the harm in the truth ?

2 Agrees
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 20:17

Ooh I agree Annother46!! She is the rudest poster on this forum and often makes comments without knowing what she is talking about, as I know only too well!! 

3 Agrees
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 20:30

The irony of not knowing how to spell the word "intelligence" when using the word to try to belittle another person, is priceless. Where have I been rude to you?

Anyway, the point you miss is that you've apparently gone to the trouble to find out the terms of the lease.   Why would you do that if you have no axe to grind?


By the way, hi Maggie, I wondered how long it would be before you butted in. Re my knowledge, did you do a Google search like Mjrpc suggested?  

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 20:36

The fact you call me by a name not recognisable by people who know me and the fact you make insinuations about me that are so far from the truth it is laughable tells me you know nothing about me as a person, which validates my comment at 20.17 tonight! 


3 Agrees
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 20:38

And the fact that you ridicule someone for their spelling is utterly despicable! 

4 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 20:41

Annother46 you have given your opinion which you are entitled to, TDC have cleared the site and nobody will know if they didnt bill the leaseholders for this work. Everyday TDC has to clear up behind other people who leave their rubbish everywhere, get over it and move on.

3 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 20:57

I did try to explain earlier why my spelling and punctuation is not good in fact I would admit it is bad so please don't try to bully or embarass me on this sight

are you aware that if someone clicks on your name they can see all your posts ? other than the ones you have removed for fear of legal action I do hope people will do this then they will know how much credit your posts deserve if you have a carer or health professional that you see maybe you should discuss your posts on with them  but please if you have nothing to say that is to do with the thread  start another thread of your own


you are right T D C have cleared the site but I will find out if the leaseholder's have been billed for and if not why not and I will ensure that Duty of care has been followed as even burn-out  waste that was at coryton cove is notifiable

as for T D C clearing up for people I think you will find that if they have to clean up after you and they know who you are you will get a big bill and it seems this lease holder isnt I'm asking why not ?

I will move on when I am ready not on your say so

1 Agree
17 Jul 2014 21:05

This all very sad. I am so glad that i came on to this forum : (

I bet people that come across this forum must think Dawlish folk are not very nice.


17 Jul 2014 21:17

Another46 what about street rubbish, who gets billed for that?

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 21:17

@Pete, most are nice people and honest and honourable in their posts. only the minority are vile and discredit the whole forum.

2 Agrees
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 21:18

Maggie, did you do the Google search?? 

"Despicable"?  Really??  Bit of a drama queen aren't we?  Perhaps more despicable is being told by the axe-grinder that I only have a small amount of intelligence. I'll have you know that I have at least a medium amount...

By the way, Im not the the only one to wonder whether Annother46's writing styling is for effect. By someone who has either forgotten their password or who has other underhand intentions. 

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 21:25

Well, this is ermmmmm.......a late night rant! I think axe grinder probably has got the measure of you! 

17 Jul 2014 21:26

roberta if you are refering to litter I belive the peanlty is £80:00

If you are talking about a business like subway or macdonalds or yummies it is the company that is running that particular shop

17 Jul 2014 21:39

@Pete, i'm new too.  bonkers isn't it.

Another46 - sorry about your spelling issue, but you do seem a bit hung up about the cafe and who pays for the clear up.  

Judith Chalmers - you talk sense but by not pulling your punches you make unnecessary enemies.

Margaret Swift - you sound like my old headmistress -endless lecturing. exclamation marks and CAPS LOCK!!    

Roberta sounds quite normal though. 

3 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 21:42

my name is not axe grinder I don't credit you with any intelligence at all

thank you for seeing a style in my writing as I said I'm new to this so I'm quite pleased I have a style

just what underhand intentions do you think I could  have

1 Agree
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 21:43

Dorian, where are my caps lock? But, you have sussed me out, nearly! And less of the old please!! And Mrs C talking sense..........please! (Oops, another exclamation mark, actually, four exclamation marks! Now five.). 

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 21:58

Thanks for making me LOL Annother 46. I agree, a total lack of intelligence. 

17 Jul 2014 21:59

Dorian I am hung up on the whole matter of the cafe the fact that it was on soc media and newspapers that it was an arson attack which left a bad feeling in the town was it Kids? was it a grudge?

when it became known that arson wasnt to blame no announcement was made and the begging is still going on and the more I look into this the messer it gets so its not just a matter of who clears it up and who pays I feel there is a lot to be revealed about this matter yet

thank you for your comments about my spelling it is improving with practice

1 Agree
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 22:02

No intelligence?  How rude Annother46!  I wonder how that rates on Maggies despicablometer?


Maggie, did you Google that news article?

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 22:06

It's not rude if it is true. 

2 Agrees
17 Jul 2014 22:11


I see someone else has answered your question about rubbish on the streets I if you are talking about household waste from houses that is paid for by your council tax waste from businesses is not included in rates and is paid separate to a waste contractor

17 Jul 2014 22:13

forgive me what news article does it relate to this thread ?

Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
17 Jul 2014 22:19

That's very despicable Councillor Swift. I at least have the intelligence to be able to use Google... 

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
17 Jul 2014 22:42

Whatever happened to Maggie? 

17 Jul 2014 23:25

Even more bonkers.  As another46 says what's the news article?  Is that the beef between you two?

2 Agrees
18 Jul 2014 14:56

I thought when the new cafe opened we would pop down maybe buy a cake and cup of tea, but now i think i for one will stay away and from the other place on the sea front dont want to be seen to take sides, plus don't really want to get into petty arguments when no matter what the outcome nothing i can do about it. 

24 Jul 2014 22:34

This is the point I am trying to make it just happens that the tenant of the former rock pool cafe is who they are and it would not matter to me if it was someone else T D C are still putting the commercial costs of a business onto the public now you ask T D C if they could help an old widower 94 who is almost blind and his green house had rotted away and one side fell on him as he was pottering inside he only suffered slight injuries but was heart broken about the green house T D C where his landlord they just refered him to a charity when asked for help there was no we'll clean it up for you and build you a new one

Other than not being forthright about the cause of fire and the status of the business in the local papers and on social media which it can't be denied that caused ill feeling within the town about who would do such a thing.

Since the outcome of the real cause of the fire has become public knowlege why have we had no reply from Lindapetherick  who questioned the opening post  of this thread also TheObserver who questioned and discounted merlins statement I belive merlin has given an answer I gave them an answer but since then silence if there is a different explaination from that of the Police & the fire brigade as put by LP & TO  it would be reasonable to expect them to further agree or deny Merlins post after this long period of time (I do know LP has posted on a different thread since then)

I conclude that they cannot deny the cause of the fire, any further as the Questions have been replied to an they have nothing to say and yet the begging page is still up and running leading people to think it was arson when it wasnt and TDC or you  and I shouldnt be paying the bill!

25 Jul 2014 06:29

Let us say Teignbridge District Council still had a housing stock (been transferred to Teign Housing now). But let us say it was all still in TDC's ownership. If one of the TDC houses burnt down, howsoever the fire was caused, wouldn't TDC, as landlord, be responsible for all sorts of things concerning the resultant mess? And I imagine TDC would build a replacement house just as it plans to build (so I understand) a replacement cafe on the site of the Rock Pool Cafe.

I have asked what I am about to ask on another thread but having received no response will ask it again here. Who owns the cafe sited by the viaduct, now known as the Pirate's Chest? Is it a public body or a private company? And who is responsible for its upkeep?   

With regard to the online fund. I'm relying on memory here by the way. Wasn't that set up by a well meaning person in the town? In other words, it was not set up by the tenants of the Rock Pool Cafe. 


4 Agrees
25 Jul 2014 07:21

Very true Lynne, but I am wondering if this vendetta has an underlying aim, to try and destroy the Holmans into giving up on keeping the lease, so the previous tenants ie Pirates Chest can reclaim it. Cynical I know

3 Agrees
25 Jul 2014 08:03

Cynical, yes I agree.. But I suspect you are not the only one thinking along such lines.

I would have thought all this negative energy could be more usefully and positively exercised by helping the Pirate's Chest (by the Viaduct) get a much needed face lift. Also, the potential for customers I would have thought is greater there (by the viaduct) then further along at Coryton Cove as there is much more footfall by the Viaduct than along at Coryton. How do you get to the beach at Dawlish? Under the viaduct. And what cafe is right by the viaduct? Also, once the seawall walk is open again, it is ideally placed to capture custom from all those who have walked into the town along the seawall from the Warren.  

2 Agrees
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
25 Jul 2014 08:44

What's the Food Hygiene Rating for the New Pirates Chest?

1 Agree
25 Jul 2014 08:46

OK Lynne let me put it another way we currently are hearing on the news that our council are having to make cuts to sheltered housing to old and vunarble people the council do not have the money!

Yet a business property which should be leased on a full repairing & Insureing this means the lease holder returns the property in the same state or pays dilapidations is being paid for from the public purse and this is the first issue second issue is that the page for fund raiseing leads you to belive the business was a victim of fire this not true and there has been lots of opportunity for the people Questioning merlins post to reply

I have never said the holmans should give up on the lease I think the lease is valid and they should reinstate the building at thier cost and in future make a provision in there business plan for uninsured risks.  Not very long ago Baileys fish and chip shop had a fire  I dont think there was a fund raiser for that or TDC rushing in to pick up his bill he was open within two weeks why the leaseholders couldnt have gone out and bought a new hut even if custom made could have had a building up in weeks power and plumbing must still go to site two men I don't know how many hours to wire and plumb a single room the floor has remained in good nick add a few days to tart it up and put in a cooker and tea urn some where for the ice cream why havent they got it open now ? is there no contract for them to serve the people at coryton ? it must be 16 wks since the fire and I see no progress down there by the  leaseholders it is down to them just as it was down to baileys when they had a fire or the red rock cafe for the storm damage or the pirates chest for the storm damage or first great western for storm damage

Why is Coryton cove different ?

As for who owns the cafe at the viaduct I belive it the railway but why dont you ask them ?

I belive mclayson made a reply to you regarding this

when I wanted to know the police report on the fire at coryton I asked a Policeman


25 Jul 2014 09:24

Here's a suggstion Annother46 given that this topic seemingly causes you so much angst.

Why not write a letter to the Gazette about it? Up to them whether or not it gets published of course but if published it would bring the issues you raise to a far wider audience then you get on here and might even generate letters in response.  

I don't know what the freehold/leasehold arrangements of Baileys are but suspect that TDC was, and is, no way involved. Hence they wouldn't have been liable to pick up any bill for repairs etc. If there was no fund raiser then that's because there was no fund raiser set up by anyone. Someone however did choose to set up a fund raiser for the Holman's. Up to individuals to set up fund raisers (or not). Up to individuduals to contribute to fund raisers (or not). 

For all you and I know the Holmans may well have wished to replace the cafe asap but were/are prevented from doing so by loss adjusters/council bureaucracy.  

Thank you for reminding me that it is Network Rail who own the freehold of the viaduct based Pirate's Chest. Any thoughts on how the public can access the terms of the lease between NR and those who presently run it as a business? 

2 Agrees
25 Jul 2014 09:34

I belive the council had a lease from network rail for along time so perhaps at TDC you could see an old one quite easy what part of that lease intrests you ? I think the tenant will be responsable for the repair and insurance


25 Jul 2014 09:56

I would like to know who (landlord or tenant) is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the beach cafe by the Viaduct now known as the Pirate's Chest.

Also, does anyone have an uptodate picture of it they could post on here?   

2 Agrees
26 Jul 2014 06:35

Lynne I think you will find just like coryton cove and most comm. agreement's the tenant will be responsible for repairs during  and dilaps. at the end, I cant help with a photo although there is one on this page earlier in the year a scruffy looking place but last year it looked quite tidy still not as nice as the kiosk's on the front at teignmouth perhaps TDC will build them a new one at our cost

I agree with your remarks about the press although I have been thinking of a much wider readership

As for Bailey you would be quite right to assume TDC should not be liable just as it should not be liable at any other private business unless there is a valid reason to spend public money on a private venture if this is the case tell me as I am part of the paying public and I want to know why my money in this way I'm sure if its legal and honest they will be keen to tell everyone  why has LP remained silent since her post questioning this thread ?

  I know the Goverment bailed out the Banks but that was inexchange for part ownership shares or loan agreements  and I belive much public debat in the house of commons what is happening here is quite different TDC are revealing nothing about the plans and costs regarding Coryton cove and in the mean-time you and I are paying through TDC costs that should be meet by a private limited company if its legal and above board why arent they being open about it  there may be a reason why we are paying if this is the case why is no one saying ?? ??

Someone set up the fund raiser because it was thought it was arson this is not the case and as merlin said at the start the Holmans were in all of the local papers and media sites crying arson this is now for some time known not to be the case and the fund page is still saying arson ? I ask you is this open and honest ?? ??

I could go on but been a long night so gotta go to ma bed

Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
26 Jul 2014 07:18

Oh no please do go on...

26 Jul 2014 07:59

Oh no dont encourage him/her ;)

1 Agree
26 Jul 2014 08:58

I 'm waiting to read the press coverage. Wonder if it'll make Private Eye? In fact PE has an ideal column for such matters.

Rotten Boroughs – a column reporting on dubious practices, absurdity and occasionally corruption in local government. The name is a play on the term rotten borough. This section, edited by Tim Minogue, receives scores of tips and leads from councillors, whistleblowing council officials, freelance journalists and members of the public.  

26 Jul 2014 14:18

The answers to all the questions being asked on this thread are on the Rock Pool Cafe facebook page. Please do take the time to read it.

4 Agrees
26 Jul 2014 14:28

Ive read it and agree 100% what Debbie Holman has written, lets hope these nasty accusations stop now

4 Agrees
26 Jul 2014 15:34

Thank you for the clarification Debbie. And for anyone who for whatever reason cannot access facebook hopefully this link should take you to the Rock Pool facebook page.

3 Agrees
Judith Chalmers
Judith Chalmers
26 Jul 2014 15:35

After reading Mrs Holman's comments, I trust that her words put an end to this nonsense. And presumably seeing that the identity of Merlin/Annother46 is known via LinkedIn, then we will see no more illiterate rants from them on here. Surely they wouldn't have the brass neck?  And to think that Annother and her ally Margaret Swift both accused me of having no intelligence on this thread. How ironic lol. 

1 Agree
26 Jul 2014 15:43

Debbie Holman shouldn't worry too much,  it wasn't half a dozen people it was was 'three' posters, even then it always looked like the one crazy stalker who had it in for them.    I don't think any real posters ever believed the malice.  Let's hope we've heard the last from Merlin228,  Annother46 and Daisy2. 


7 Agrees
27 Jul 2014 04:48

LP the answer to your question has been on this thread for some time that is where the report to say this fire was not arson had come from I have looked at your facebook link if anyone had fire that they thought was arson and then heard from an unconfirmed source that it wasnt why wouldnt you find out ? the truth and not mislead people about the cause of fire  but it does not say why TDC are treating them different from any other comm. tenants this is not something I take issue with the Holmans with but TDC why are they spending public money on a comm mess ? when public spending has been cut and cut again and mostly for people that dont 3 cars 2 homes our services for  young old and sick people are being threatened and yet we are paying  a commercial  bill if this is legal its not right


27 Jul 2014 06:36

Much against my better judgement I'm going to respond to the above post.

Let's depersonalise the issue shall we and take actual individuals and families out of it for the moment.

If your gripe, Annother46, is about a matter of principle in that you believe a council, TDC in this case, is spending public money in a way which you think inappropriate then rather than continue to rant on about it on here (and to a very limited audience in terms of numbers) why not raise the issue with those who may investigate it further, and, if the story turns out to have legs, will run with it.

I think I'm politely saying - put up or shut up.

Private Eye
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Tel: +44 (0)20 7437 4017
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27 Jul 2014 07:04

I think another you have serious mental issues, we/you  have been presented with the facts from the persons you have a problem with, one of which is the clearance was paid for by the insurance company. You have committed a breach of privacy laws entering peoples accounts ie Linkedin and FB. And still you continue to spout your vile accusations. PLEASE STOP NOW

2 Agrees
27 Jul 2014 12:22

My thoughts i think the whole post should be removed and never revisited.

1 Agree
27 Jul 2014 12:27

Well done Debbie the FB post and their success, I say pass the IP addresses to the police.

So as I suspected the insurance are paying the clean up and new unit

27 Jul 2014 12:37

Hey everyone George Holman her e NOT here to waste my energy and time on Merlin I'm just here to thank you all it means so much to me that when a jealous, nasty, angry individual such as Merlin (Very brave not using real name aswell) starts to say such horrible things and make such negative implications about my family and self that we don't even have to step in! (Since my mum has posted her peace on facebook we now have stepped in) but even before that before we even heard about these horrible accusations from this horrible man you were all here defending us and showing the real good nature of the people of Dawlish. All I can say is I look forward to serving you all an Ice cold beer, & a piping hot Cuppa tea down the cove in the future & Merlin I hope you find peace and stop whatever it is making you such a angry person you only get one life and you should try to stop worrying about the success of others and maybe start bettering your own? I have never done anything to harm you and neither has my family we only ever made a successful business i'm sorry this has upset you but maybe thats why you feel you have to say these things? You don't understand we have worked long and hard to get what we have and I am sorry but if you want the same for you then YOU will have to work long and hard. Also out of curiosity why are you SO determined to make people believe the cause of the fire was an accident and not Arson? The statement was released and people have accepted it was arson, this was MONTHS ago now people should have sstopped talking about it completely but here you are months down the line still DETERMINED to change peoples minds! the fire department are VERY good at their job and wouldn't say it was arson unless they had a very good reason to believe it was, you seem determined to get peoples opinions to change have you got something to hide my friend? Afraid of omething slipping out? You're giving off the impression you know a lot more than you are letting on! So be honest who are you if you really do have nothing to hide be a man and stop hiding behind your keyboard! Or are you to much of a Coward? Go on Merlin prove me wrong, hey i've got nothing to hide and nothing to be afriad of thats why I George Holman am here to find out what your problem is now lets start with a name if you've got the courage?

4 Agrees
27 Jul 2014 12:40

May I also say George I can understand where you are coming from some (a few) can make Dawlish area feel like not a pleasant place to live, good luck with your move

1 Agree
27 Jul 2014 13:14

Thank you Andy I hope one day I can come back with my head held high and a brand new business and cafe to help run,  it's just with my only work being available in Exeter since the fire, and with everyone constantly asking and reminding me about the Arson attack, and everything else thats happened (such as the Pirates chest setting up their own llittle mobile kiosk where the rock pool USE to be telling people its theirs now and we won't be coming back VERY rude, cheeky, and quite frankly disgusting decision on there half i might add!) I feel I can't escape it and can't enjoy the beach anymore so I just need to get away for a little while but don't worry just like the Rock Pool, my family, and as Arnie would say I'll be back!!!

1 Agree
27 Jul 2014 13:17

Really looking forward to the re-opening of the Rock Pool cafe and although it is out of my way geographically I shall make a point of visiting it and giving it custom. Good luck and best wishes to the Holman family.

1 Agree
27 Jul 2014 13:24

Thank you Lynne your support is greatly appreciated and all the best luck and wishes right back at you :)

27 Jul 2014 13:33

I reiterate what Lynne has said, I hope you will return feeling better and good luck to the rest of your family and wish you all the success in the world x

1 Agree
27 Jul 2014 13:39

Thank you Roberta theres honestly no words what all this love and support means to us it's people like all of you that give me faith in Dawlish that it's not being over run by scum like those who started this thread and that they really are infact a minority all the best wishes to you and all x

2 Agrees
30 Aug 2015 15:51

We used to have a parrot called Merlin. It had a vile vocabulary and reminded us of Merlin228. Never before have we seen such vile vitriolic although the poster does seem close to a breakdown. We wondered who this person could be. Certainly if Merlin226 and Annother46 are not the same people they are the two single worst spellers on this website with 30 between them. Having looked at Merlin's profile a giveaway that he or she is not unconnected with the tearoom industry might be seen in one of the profile photos. Although of very poor quality it can be enlarged and an advert for a tearoom at The Wholesome Hog at Duckaller Farm can clearly be seen. We have read the Homan's Facebook page and feel sorry for what they have suffered in terms of the fire, the stalking and the statements read on this site which frankly appear to be libelous. Perhaps too someone amongst the kind people above would pass on this post to Mr Holman as I can't imagine he would again be visiting. Thank you.

30 Aug 2015 18:18

Whilst Merlin is/was undoubtedly connected to the food trade, they've nothing to do with Duck Aller Farm. That photo you've seen isn't Merlins profile photo, it's a photo posted by the webmaster into the Notices section of this website. 

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