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General Discussion

That's very true Netiquette. The percentage is 0.189, and we don't know what the full list of offences is, and how many were convicted of each offence. As I pondered earlier, it could be that the vast majority are trivial and that the extreme ones are an even smaller percentage.  Or it could be the other way round, who knows?

24 Jul 2015

A quick Google has satisfied my curiosity re police numbers at least. Apparently there are 43 police forces in England & Wales (not sure who the additional two are that the article suggests), with a total of  approx 158,000 officers, PCSOs and Special Constables. That info provides me with the sense of perspective that I needed. And the reassurance too.

24 Jul 2015

I give up. I didn't expect you personally to know, hence me failing to understand the need for your aggression and why you posted the subsequent irrelevant copy and paste. I was pointing out that it would be interesting to know in order to gain a sense of perspective/proportion. Thank you anyway.

24 Jul 2015

User4539, why are you being so aggressive? There's really no need for it. I did read the story before I posted, which is why I made the comments that I did. Your copy and paste doesn't answer those points, maybe it's another one of your "misunderstandings"? 1. I stated that it would be interesting to see the full list of offences (and how many of each one). 2. I asked how many ...

24 Jul 2015

The named examples provided in that story are a tad misleading though aren't they, as they all relate to ex-officers. It may be that a lot of those who haven't been sacked were convicted of trivial offences such as, oh I don't know, parking crimes (tongue in cheek again).  It's a shame though that the offences for those that are still officers aren't all individually listed so that we can ...

A number of them are skatewear and surfwear brands. Some are also available at Warren Traders but most aren't.

23 Jul 2015

None of the brands I listed are tat! And all either have their own stores in Princesshay (I.e Superdry) or are available in stores there... In fact I've just dug out the carrier bag from "Boardwalk", which lists the brands (these won't all be familiar to most who post here, granted, but they will be to most under-50s): Roxy Quiksilver Reef O'Neill Billabong Weirdfish ...

22 Jul 2015

Superdry Vans Animal Joe Browns (a personal fave of mine). Just a small number of the High Street brands that I can remember seeing (and buying lol)  in there

1. Why can't the temporary SANGS become permanent? is it because that land is designated for a later phase of the development? 2. What a surprise. Not. Though if it helps keep Red Rock open, then at least that's something. 3. What are the physical impacts of this? I don't know where DA4 is.

Thanks Lynne. Sorry for assuming you'd already done so. Out of interest, why the CEO rather than your own Councillor? Fingers crossed that this works.

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