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Clive's Posts

...only 11 days left to Network Rail's High Level's to hoping it contains something deserving for everyone...

Is it simply the case that the police don't have the budget and numbers to police properly anymore? Hence, is the only realistic option left open to them to make a case to simply stop the event at source one way or another?

This path raising is nothing more than 'best quick fix' (or 'low hanging fruit' as it gets called these days) to make the wall consistent with how it should have been built on day 1, and to give Dawlish some sort of fighting chance of last winter's collapse not being repeated. Nevertheless, it will be very interesting indeed to see how much debate is generated once the proper long term marine ...

Frankly, it seems to me that Dawlish police need to get a grip. On another thread (that one that read like a toilet wall) about holligan self appointed vigilanties and misogynists, the impression was given in recent comments that it was all a thing of the distant past. Now I am reading that fun family events are getting cancelled due to a failure to ensure law and order. So which is it ...

ok, I'll say it as I find it.  Personally I am mighty fed up with dogs dominating where I can or cannot go. Most parks are right-offs to use these days and it's not just about the few who don't pick-up mess, it's the preponderance of large or snappy or so called 'status dogs' that are allowed to run up to children (and me!) frightening them witless. Parks are supposed to be relaxing ...

Furthermore, it would be hypocritical for us to say 'well done Angelina Jolie' for the world conference about stopping violence against women while giving succour to it under the guise of 'freedom of speech' in our own back garden. I repeat - WEBMASTER THIS THREAD ABSOLUTELY MUST BE TAKEN DOWN NOW.

I know it's only about the Warren, but still interesting to know the thinking for that end at least.

16 Jun 2014

@Lynne - it is a total no brainer, people buy a house with industrial sized trains running past their windows, which they wish to keep, and their house foundations this winter - security - get a net curtain like most of the rest of us!! Of course this is just five points for starters - it remains to be seen just how many complaints get raised when the 'real seawall solution' gets selected and ...

No, I stick 100% with my original premise. Freedom of speech yes, but this 'Clockwork Orange' thread that reads worse than a toilet wall and is 'serious incitement to cause neighbourhood and sexual violence'. Frankly I can only hope the contents of it were promply forwarded to the police to take note of. WEBMASTER THIS THREAD ABSOLUTELY MUST BE TAKEN DOWN NOW.

Truely appalling - many condolences - should give us all pause for thought.