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Margaret Swift

Margaret Swift's Posts

Great to see the motion carried, disappointing to see councillors sitting on the fence ie abstaining!

2 Jul 2015

I wonder if OurSoul is going to answer Lynne's question posted on 30 June?

Thanks Ziggy, I will pass the information onto our museum as they have a wealth of archive material collected from local people. Material includes photographs and oral recordings of the experiences of those affected on the night of the storm.

Was at Sainsbury's this afternoon and the first digger is in the field! I noted the Councillors on the newly formed planning committee and it does give me hope that planning meetings will have a much better attendance record compared to the last four years and that decisions will be based on planning criteria and not on personal preference. Hopefully there will be less emphasis and focus on ...

Ask the Conservative Councillors who have also said for many years that politics should be kept out of that level of democracy! I know, I listened to it for the last four years! Did you?

20 May 2015

Maybe because he is a sensible guy?

Well said Duckileaks, Mary Lowther was one of the most hard working Councillors in the last Administration and is a sad loss for the town. She was a truly independent Councillor, not afraid to speak out when needed and worked tirelessly for the people of Dawlish.

It's interesting that A Frame cites challenging others as being unpleasant! @mjcrp, and you don't post under a cowardly cloak of anonymity?

Thanks Lynne, be good if the letter could be published in the local paper this week.

MCjcrp pot kettle black!!