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Purrrrrfect's Posts

@Paul - it's bigots with this attitude that are more dangerous than the ocassional dog, that has more than likely been mistreated, i suppose if you went far enough back in time your ancestors most probably enjoyed witch hunting!

The first thing visitor see when they go under the railway bridge is rust coming away from the bridge, next they see the sign that says don't go in the outflow of the river. Then they see the wall around the brook outlet falling apart and the old sewage pipes, concrete and the old metal rebar sticking out of the sand (obviously dependant on sand depth at the time). We have no airshow this year, ...

26 Feb 2016

Does anyone know who is responsible, if anyone, for the up keep of the sea wall that protects the outflow of the Dawlish Brook? It has been left to fall apart the last few months.

The Dawlish cop shop is closing and the 'Dawlish shop front lease is being surrendered' and the operation will be moved to Teignmouth. Sheer madness considering that they knew from their own timetable of closures that Dawlish would move to Teignmouth, but still deconstructed the Teignmouth satellite office that was specifically built for this purpose. Info taken from the : ...

@FredBassett They are more likely to spend their money in Exeter, Newton Abott or the internet and chances are they will work/employ people (again) in Exeter/Newton Abott not Dawlish.

@FredBassett I agree with what you say (24 feb 2016 21:24) other than your justification that because Teignmouth is a more attractive place to visit it should 'quite rightly so' get so much funding over Dawlish. Dawlish may not have all the trappings of Teignmouth, but it's still a nice seaside town. The problem comes when the money that is spent is done on completely irrelavent projects and ...

I thought it was tough buying my first terrace house in Portsmouth back in the mid 1980's when you could borrow 3x salary and the one I bought cost a whopping £27k. Back then I earnt a decent £16k a year. How an earth someone on £12 to £18k is supposed to afford a home these days is beyond a joke. Smug politicians with their £10k salary increase this year just makes my blood boil.

In my own opinion the last few generations have been breeding more stupid, ignorant, arrogant, self centre humans. The lack of an enforceable punishment system in most schools over the last 3 decades has produced, in general, a rather odius, ferile and self absorbed population. Everyday I see people going about there business thinking that everyone else should be looking out for them. To ...

@leatash - those herring gulls description sounds like a few people i see shuffling around town.

Most probably will be spread on a field near you soon as the new human waste fertiser!