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General Discussion

@Carer - i hear where you're coming from on that one.

16 May 2014

@Mrs C - I think you will find that some people who read a post may not agree with a particular comment, but do not wish to actually comment themselves. The dis agree option would assist in balancing opinion on an individual comment. I don't see where fair comes into the suggestion I have put forward.

15 May 2014

It's nice to have the option to AGREE on this site on a comment, but can we also have the option to show a disagree as well?

Do the people of Dawlish want this? I feel that the council is slowly eradicating many of the Victorian features of this town with items that detracted from Dawlish's unique look and feel. Why can't we just have the bandstand replaced with a victorian style, wrought iron bandstand. Why theme park around 45% to 50% of the existing lawn with items that are not inkeeping. We've already experienced ...

Uhm! what can one say. I didn't think that contest could get any worse, I was wrong.

I think the Strand developement typifies the attitude of those in charge of turning Dawlish town center into another ill thought out fun fair for the tourist season without any thought or consideration for those who live here and pay their wages. Why don't we just spend loads of money on a permanent fun fair for the lawn, hike up everyone's rates, charge extra for services that people already ...

Primary school children put toxic substance into teacher's coffee flask Luckily, another pupil alerted her to danger before she took a sip Police were called to school in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire after incident No action taken after school decided to deal with incident internally It is believed the two pupils belonged to a gang at the school who called themselves 'The ...

The problem faced in this country on the subject of lack of housing is an issue caused by one group of people who have no housing issues themselves, far from it. Can anyone guess what group that may be?  Indeed, that is correct, the Government. Through 'Right to buy' on council houses at massive discounts to the purchaser through to a non effective immigration policy and enforced via the ...

30 Apr 2014

@Onport1968 - im not adverse to extra houses being built. what i do object to is all the usual planning guidelines that the rest of us have to endure being thrown out the windows for these gluttonous developers. The houses are so close together, little or no gardens, minimal parking. A two bed flat I saw advertised, on this estate,  has 3 gagrages below it and I presume only one belongs to ...

29 Apr 2014

Walking on the hills above Dawlish and took a couple of photo's of the ever increasing carbuncle they call a housing development these days. It's just a mass of boxes slammed as close together as possible. When you consider the planning applications for some small changes to peoples homes get turned down, but this thing just does what it wants! As they say money talks.

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