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Judith Chalmers

Judith Chalmers' Posts



26 Feb 2015

We really are going to need some strong district Councillors over the next few years who are fully prepared to stand up and speak out for Dawlish. Dear god, I hope this doesn't mean what I fear it means!


And in 10 years time, the people living in the houses at Shutterton will be moaning about the houses being built on the green fields at Cofton, etc, etc, etc...


21 Feb 2015


I found this website where you can view various historical maps side-by-side with the current Googlemap of the precise same area: This particular screenshot I've taken is of the Exeter Road up towards Shutterton.  My how it's changed over the 100 years since the map was drawn.  Would be interesting to see the same again in 20 years time.

I would imagine that nearly all off-peak bus services around and about are run at taxpayers expense.

Michael, thanks for responding to my concerns in a polite manner and for taking the time to explain the rationale behind some of the objections. I can't say that I've changed my opinion, as I personally loathe identikit soul-less housing estates such as Oaklands, but thats just my opinion.  The Millin Way estate isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I really like it - likewise elements of the first ...