I think it is a good idea to have more affordable housing in dawlish myself and my husband both work full time but are still unable to rent privately as we cant afford it so we are living with family.We have been on the housing lists for 9 years but have been told that there is no housing.We NEED more housing in dawlish.
Dawlish taekwon do is great.I have been training with them for 2 years .The instructor is mr peter hilditch who is a really great guy.It has all ages from 4 to i think the oldest is about 60.I started after my daughter joined. not sure on prices but mine is £50 a month for 3 of us i think it is thirty something for 1 person.£25 per year for license. Gradings every 3 months £25.
Have you seen the video on you tube called the gauntlet by bill kipp.I was trained by one of his bullet men in the video .Did you go to the retreat last month where all the fast defence trained guys went? mm but your course much better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT-GOYX2bI
when is it & how much? what would it actually teach me?
I have done this course Fantastic well worth it .I did it with Dik chance and Mr powlesland from puma taekwondo they also do other ones for women and with weapons .