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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

"Den of iniquity"? Hahahahaha. Talk about melodramatic! I thought the planning application was for some lodges - not a brothel. You anti-Dawlish posters need to a grip on reality...

Don't fret, you'll be able to get your fresh fish from Sainsbury. :-) Roy, whereabouts in Dawlish do you suggest a fish quay could be built?

30 Jul 2008

Why don't you post on the Council forum on this website?

30 Jul 2008

Why don't you use the Council forum on this website?

30 Jul 2008

There's a forum called "Council" on this website? Why don't you use it? Oh, would it be because you have to register and therefore can't post on it using multiple names? And you have the nerve to talk about corruption, when you are corrupt with your attempts to mislead others into thinking that there's loads of people on here that share your narrow agenda. Pathetic.

30 Jul 2008

I wish these fools (fool) would stop turning every thread on here into a pathetic, bitter, libellous tirade against councillors. It's simple. Only post your whining on threads that clearly have the word council in the subject. Then we'll all stop being bored to death and this forum might once again be a place for interesting discussion about a variety of things that are relevant to the people of ...

So you finally admit that you're a Dawlish hater. Thank you My work here is complete. Adios amigos.

29 Jul 2008

Culture? Hey, I'll have you know that I've got all of Jethro's DVDs on a shelf above my telly in my padded cell. Ooh-aar.

29 Jul 2008

Is this some kind of test? OK, I'll say it... Your adults. What next?

29 Jul 2008

How dare you call me an ass licker! I'll have you know that I do NOT lick donkeys! How very weird that you think I do...