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BOO HOO's Posts

The projects that leatash highlights are lack lustre ideas of the elected officials, local and further afield. When the electorate are asked for their opinions on what they would like or dislike the results are ignored, lost or twisted to something else, in my opinion. If you want to get Dawlish on the map you have to produce things people want to come back to time and time again. In my own ...

In a nut shell the accident was a bloke in a skoda yeti driving into the back of a stationery double decker bus. One of the largest rears of a vehicle that navigates our roads !

29 Dec 2017

@leatash - how wise you are - the answer to eradicating all rtc's, injuries and fatalities on our road's, stop drivers driving on the roads.

You've only got to have a walk around and see how lacking in common sense a lot of people are these days. Not to mention ignorant, self centred, aggresive, disrespectful and lacking any social graces, in my opinion.

Since the completion of The Point car park defences the beach has changed and does not seem in any hurry to revert back. In the 15+ years I have lived down here I have never seen the area around The Point car park so eroded and at the same time very large build up of sand before the erosion area and on the tip of The Point car park, where the sheds are during the Summer. I am aware that the ...

Typical infantile remoaner gesture. It seems deomcracy is only effective when it goes the way of those in power want it. A vote took place and the majority said OUT, that is democracy. I appreciate there is a need for a deal on how we trade with the tin pot dictator's who control the member states after we leave the eu.  Although it doesn't help having a government that does not want to ...

@Diana Mond - genuine and diana mond don't make me laugh. Why should there be restrictions on where and when this money should be spent other than councillors itchy fingers?

4 Dec 2017

There is nothing wrong with The Lawn as it is, so leave it alone. What is this fixation on building a ridiculously small playpark on The Lawn wasting over £100K when 1) we already have a better and bigger playpark at the Manor 2) there are more essential things the money needs to be spent on.