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Steve's Posts

Yes, it can be get busy, but it's never really slow unless there are works going on. It's quieter during winter and at weekends.

14 Jul 2024

Exeter Road is a good choice since it's also close to the school, beach and leisure facilities (tennis courts, football pitch, gym, swimming pool, etc.) . It's also near Sainsbury's and a good location for commuting to Exeter if you need to. I think it is a mix of retired folk and working-aged families, but the people are friendly enough.

It's good to see UK politicians come out and condemn the Trump shooting. It's an historic moment for the US that will boost Trump's popularity I reckon.

The problem is climate alarmists have cried wolf too many times. Every decade since the 70s we've only had 10 years to save the planet, yet we are still here living on the coast with the same climate and the same sea level.

11 Jul 2024

Not sure allowing the firing of British missiles into Russia is a good idea.

Thanks, I'd not thought of Nationwide @leatash .

10 Jul 2024

Thanks @Carer . I was thinking of switching to Lloyds. My sister recently switched to Chase although she does banking on her mobile. I prefer to pay by cash or card and do online banking on my PC.

10 Jul 2024

I've been with Barlcays for years but I've had it with them now. I can no longer message them via their website because the button doesn't do anything, and the layout you get when viewing transactions now looks like it was done by a kid who has never had a bank account before. I have to view statements to get a clear view of ins and outs, whereas before I could just look at recent transactions. ...

Congratulations to the Tories on annihilating themselves. Special congratulations to Anne Marie Morris, who responded with a patronising letter when I warned her that the actions of her party and the Bank of England would screw us all with inflation.

Most countries today operate some form of socialism. The NHS, welfare state and state education are socialist programs. Some, like Argentina, have taken it to extremes and are now trying to dig themselves out and undo the damage. Socialism doesn't create an equal society. It create a society where most people are poor except for a political elite. I'm not saying privatisation has been a ...