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roberta's Posts

Its become an even larger open space snce the Strand Regeneration, the townspeople were not listened to then ie wall removed to allow for parking on Lawnside then changed last minute to create the yellow brick road to nowhere and parking numbers reduced to use shop side, instead of what was voted on

and if that ever happened and I was forced to vote, I would merely spoil my paper. Im sorry I am not getting carried away on this BNP/NF/UKIP Party

27 May 2014 INTERESTING article

26 May 2014

Whilst I’m proud of the South West for electing a Green MEP, I am, for the first time in my life, ashamed to be British today. Our country has elected 23 MEPs who (fully documented in the press) represent a party which demonstrates homophobia, sexism, fascism and racism amongst its ranks. A party whose members feel it’s ok to mock disabled people, brand women ‘sluts’, whitewash all immigrants as ‘ ...

22 May 2014

For the first  time ever I will not be voting, they are all as bad as each other, and as I do not want to be in the EU what is the point of voting for a Euro MEP

Its on EOD now and the opinions/comments are starting to come in

Or another reason to make them pay to use 20p should do

Agree Lynne, biggest benefit receivers, wealthy private landlords

Why cant they stay at Sandy Lane ?

I nearly choked on my coffee then Lynne reading your post.