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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

General Discussion
General Discussion
4 Aug 2008

Well, you've finally admitted to being that teed called ***. Thank you. My work here is complete.

Why have you copied and pasted this from the Times website THREE times today ***? Do you not see how that make you look to other people? You clutter this place up with enough tedious shit as it is, and now you're infecting it with "news" from that Murdoch rag. Anyways, I thought you were more of a Daily Mail person, ***?

4 Aug 2008

You'll need to type faster than that to keep up ***. The only vested interest I have is to make sure that mentalists who don't even live in Dawlish don't peddle lies in order to feed their own hatred of the town. You never have anything positive to say about Dawlish do you ***, why is that?

Oh come along ***, you can do better than that. A man of your wit and intelligence. 2/10 - must try harder.

4 Aug 2008

Yes ***, and that is why you're the only one that doesn't believe that you're a mentalist.

Look everyone - Anon *** has thought up a new name! How original. And how exciting it must be for him. People are laughing at you ***.

who is Anon
4 Aug 2008

That's a great idea. Use asterisks instead of his name! BRILLIANT! Poor old *** is so transparent with his replies to himself on his bitter threads!

4 Aug 2008

It's been bloody busy on here today hasn't it. Logged before leaving for work this morning and there were just the usual insane ramblings from you know how; I get in tonight and there's all these postings! And guess what, for once they cover a broad and interesting range of topics rather than the narrow, insular and bitter rantings of a single loon! With all this internet traffic, it does make ...

Customer Service
3 Aug 2008

Nice double bluff by Roy.

I find that the use of the word "Dullard" by so many different people (yeah, right!) to be very, um, interesting. Once again, another thread has been hijacked by Roy. Yet again Roy ruins a positive thread about Dawlish. Why? Because he hates Dawlish. Whereabouts in Teignmouth do you live Roy?