Local bands are still not showing much, which is a shame. Ok, the quails are ok, but there are still many more with a good following.
Due to some emails protesting at their terms, they have added the following into them. "If we use your picture(s) we will be happy to credit it to you and/or your website if you have one.” Ok, its not much, but a step in the right direction. At least they will link to your work.
Thats the Lansdowne for you. They are a law unto themselves, and it is a Chavs Palace. There ARE decent pubs in Dawlish, and the simple solution is, DONT go in the Lansdowne if you dont like it. As for putting the table in the road, that was for the 3 legged race.
@mark . "i estimate 6 minutes to get to the exemouth landing" how on earth did you arrive at that figure?
PS. Dave Cant Dance. A pretty good local band.
Here you are Mr Warrener. http://www.ambercoastfestival.co.uk/lineup.htm Still nothing there that gets me excited though.
I have journalled about this in my Blog, so bringing it to the attention of photographers.
The Investigator is on the case and will publish this scam on my Blog, warning photographers about this scam. Many thanks for exposing this Mark.
Just goes to show the limited vocabulary of the eye informer in having to resort to such abusive language. Limited brainpower also comes to mind. So mr Eye informer, why not go play with your toys, do your homework and stop playing on your computer before mummy finds out and smacks your botty.
Yes. It is a bit excessive what they charge.