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Steve's Posts

@burneside , the law of  unintended consequences comes to mind. Ed Miliband may have good intentions, or he may just be following Al Gore’s playbook which made him a lot of money; either way it is a terrible idea. The best place to put solar panels is on rooftops and in car parks. Using farmland is ridiculous given the UK is not self-sufficient in food and how dense the population is.

Global IT outage
20 Jul 2024

Lottery won't be back up until Monday according to the shop assistant.

New New Labour
20 Jul 2024

The riots have been widely reported @Teignpot . I wish Labour would fix the disasters of the last 14 years (really 25 years) but they won't and will just add to them.

Global IT outage
20 Jul 2024

The national lottery website is down. I don't know if it was down yesterday as I didn't try it. Does anyone know if you can still buy a ticket at the shop? This outage also shows why you should have some cash.

New New Labour
20 Jul 2024

As I posted before, the alarmists have been claiming we have 10 years to act before it's too late since the 70s, and the climate and sea levels are still the same 50 years on. Bad weather events, such as floods and heatwaves, are as old as recorded history, and do not prove there is a climate crisis. Nothing Labour do will change the climate. Whatever they do will be as pointless as doing a ...

Global IT outage
19 Jul 2024

It's what you get when governments allow a monopoly to form and then get into bed with it.

New New Labour
19 Jul 2024

So as Leeds and London burn after mass riots, parliament is concerned with the imaginary climate crisis. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.

Looks like it is being reported now

15 Jul 2024

Someone said a mobilty scooter drove off the seawall. I don't know if that is true or why it isn't being reported.

The traffic is no different to any other town from my experience. I use the road several times a week.