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Mcjrpc's Posts

Michael Clayson, I know you read the posts here, maybe you could throw some light on the decision making process.  Who is involved in the discussions? The tourist board?  How could people like Clive communicate with Network Rail and other stakeholders?

Maybe so, I don't suppose British Rail gave a hoot about Dawlish either, our prisons have less utilitarian perimeters. For one of the most scenic stretches of railway in the world, it's an eyesore.   Teignbridge has at least put some effort in, it'd be nice to think that the railway might get some attention too. A more attractive Dawlish means more pride and more tourism.

11 Mar 2014

Am interested in their plans/ideas whether they be short, mid or long term.    It would not only be good PR for Network Rail but an opportunity to engage the town before anything is implemented.  By way of example, those palisade railings installed along Marine Parade and Coryton Cove railway line does Dawlish no favours.  Whoever was looking out for the town's interests when that decision was ...

11 Mar 2014

Does anyone know if there is a public forum where we can hear directly from Network Rail about their ongoing work, and likewise, where Dawlish residents might ask them questions?

Think I'll just go direct to pub.

I'll second it!

Hurdling, that's an action I probably won't perform ever again!

The irony is that we can't seem to countenance the economics of planning 100-150 years hence for a railway line that was opened in 1846.  Even more ironic is that Isambard Kingdom Brunel's civil egineering skills were derived from his less celebrated father, Isambard Marc Brunel.  He pioneered underwater tunnelling and his visionary but occasionally unprofitable ventures once resulted in a stretch ...

Thanks Leatash.  Went up there with the dog a while back, you're right, great views with the bonus of a softer running surface than the seawall.

Just had a look at it and it really is top notch quality.  Someone better tell those Network Rail engineers though, they were just walking along the track and you could almost pick up what they were saying!    Thanks for installing it.