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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

Hmm, you see thst number in brackets? What do you think that represents? What do you mean ny "my money box"? I work for a living at a computer software house. I pay income tax, national insurance, council tax, don't get winter fuel allowance, pay into a private pension. Oh, I have a company car - maybe that's what you mean. Even though I pay extra tax into the Treasuries coffers because of it. ...

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Roy (I mean, ***), what do you mean "my kind"? If you mean someone who works for living, yes I do expect to get paid for that. It's called a job... I bet you read the Daily Mail, don't you? That'll make you an armchair warrior as well as a keyboard warrior. So, please share with all the millions of readers of this forum exactly what it is you are doing to improve matters in the real world.

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

Answer a straight question with a straight answer for once, ***! How many different real people do you think read this forum?

4 Aug 2008

Hi ***. How many different real people do you think read this forum?

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

***, you are SO proud, that you post on here anonymously nothing but negative news from other websites. Have you given up posting as ***? Get out there and do something about it in the real world, if these issues mean so much to you.

Congrats on learning how to do copy and paste today, did you get a gold star from your carer? Bless, I hope so. Jesus, ***, you are SO boring. Do you suffer from autism or OCD? Your need to constantly repeat yourself seems to suggest that you are ill. This week's bone that you won't let go of is obviously beaches. God, another 6 days to go of the same drivel. I dread to think what it's going to ...

Chuff off
4 Aug 2008

Heaven forfend that people decide to make some interesting posts on here that cover a variety of topics! Not my cup of tea, but at least it's better than the usual drone from the usual suspect. And I'm still waiting for these Anon's/***/Viaduct etc to acknowledge that they are proud to be from Dawlish.

The Motorist
4 Aug 2008

What's the point in wasting precious hours of your life whinging on here? Life is too short, and let's face it you come across as someone nearer the grave than the cradle. If you aren't willing to do actively something about it, then what's the point? Seriously, what is the point? No. Miserablists like you only want to talk this country down with their tedious moans about everything. Of course ...

4 Aug 2008

Oh, here comes another Anon. Hi Anon!! You're like number 37 buses... Some of us have work to do, don't you know? You know, out in the real world. Close but no ceegar... However, I'm dead pleased that someone has pointed out the difference between a meatball and a faggot. That might come in useful at the pub quiz... DOH!

Dear ***, you are a first class teed. Congratulations, the diploma is in the post!