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Lynne's Posts

Lots of councils across the country are short of money - Conservative controlled Devon County Council being one of them. The councils are short of money for a variety of reasons - a huge drop in funding from central government since 2010, an increase in demand for the services that local government addresses (eg social services, special needs education, homelessness) and inflation.

And the cost per resident per week is?

On Tuesday 6 February, Luke Pollard MP will lead a debate in Parliament on nursery provision in South West England. To inform the debate, he would like to hear about your experiences of accessing childcare. He may quote your contribution directly during his debate. Find out more and share your experiences with him by midday on Monday 5 February: Nursery provision in South West England

Yes, it's the bridge that will go over Shutterton Brook so that the new road twixt Gatehouse Farm and Sainsbury's is er.....linked up. This was/is the road that was identified as needing to be built back in 2014. It's only taken ten years!

This letter is in the most recent edition of the Dawlish Gazette. " I have been following the erosion of the dunes and the movement of the beach at Dawlish Warren since about 2005-2006.  Commenting through two local plans, the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) and the Exe Estuary Partnership.  In my opinion the long term future of this location is currently not looking good. ...

er........all this money that the developers are spending. Would that be out of the goodness of their hearts or because they have to make such financial contributions as a condition of their being able to make a profit from developing this land?

Just come across this which is from the developers behind the Hensford Park proposal to local councillors. It is dated September 2023.

THE Labour Party’s decision to put Newton Abbot on its list of ‘non-priority’ general election constituencies has been welcomed by the man who wants to wrest the seat from the Conservatives . Lib Dem Martin Wrigley, who leads Teignbridge Council, will stand at the election expected in 2024, aiming to unseat Tory MP Anne Marie Morris. Read more here ...

Just a reminder.

Gatehouse farm house, which for a short while operated as a child care nursery but which ceased functioning as such in 2019, has been given planning permission (@ 18.12.2023) to be converted into two residential dwellings.