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Lynne's Posts

Just to say tht the Lib Dem signs that I've seen are not on properties belonging to Lib Dem councillors. Anyone seen any Conservative signs/posters?

I have no idea of the whys and wherefores of decisions made by and at TDC. However, I do know, having worked in local governemnt myself at one time, that decisions are indeed made by officers (ie employees of the council). The first any members (councillors) may know about any decisions made by officers (employees) is if that officer decision proves contentious. I'd say that at an ...

23 May 2024

@TBR - re child care provision. I can categorically assure you that the Lib Dems (in the form of Cllr Dawson) did, and are doing, something re child care provision in Dawlish. And if they use that fact as PR then that will be fine by me. And Cllr Wrigley has also raised the issue (very strongly in my opinion) with Devon County Council. (child care provision being a Devon County Council ...

21 May 2024

Well I would like to thank her for her work helping to recruit more child minders in Dawlish.

Lib Dems increase vote in Ashburton and Buckfastleigh SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024  BY PRSD Teignbridge council leader Martin Wrigley welcomed Lib Dem Jack Major’s win in the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh by-election to replace the late Cllr Huw Cox. Martin said: “It’s great to see Jack win with a 192 majority and an increased vote share and I know that Jack will be a great councillor for ...

The only local election being held this May which the citizens of Dawlish will be able to vote in is that for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall Police. There are no local elections taking place in Dawlish for the town council (takes place every four years last one took place  last year in 2023), or for Teignbridge District Council (again takes place every four years and ...

And I fear that you will also end up talking to yourself on this site. Has anyone else engaged with you other than me? Having ventured forth I may well now disengage. I actually don't give a toss as to how the child care crisis is resolved - as long as it is.  I hope I am not a zealot of ideology. Whatever works the best in practice is my approach. And I appreciate that you read my ...

13 Feb 2024

I have no idea of the political slant of the MDA. Suggest you contact them directly if you wish to complain - why not write a letter of complaint and see if they publish it? BTW - I am 99.9% certain now of your party political stance. Can't prove it of course but you have given yourself(ves) away by dint of the contents of your posts.  (Which, of course, you are perfectly entitled to ...

13 Feb 2024

I'm just curious to know how many Labour cllrs there are in the parliamentary constituency of Newton Abbot. I know there are none on Teignbridge District Council but wondered if anyone could tell me if there are any on town/parish councils within this particular parliamentary seat and if so, how many and on which town/parish councils? Thanks

Ladies Toilet Closure
13 Feb 2024

So I've now had some time to find out more about this changing places facility. Seems it is a toilet facility specifically aimed at those who are dependent on others for help with their toiletting Also,as I write this, I do not know how TDC is financing this installation but from research it seems that central government has a pot of money that it is asking councils to bid for specifically in ...