For 7 weeks as well, won't that be nice for the residents of (DESTRUCTION) Secmaton Lane.
It would appear to me that the plan that I remember with parking on the lawn side of the Strand has been abandoned as there is a foot path being laid on the lawn side. If the path is to be widened on the shop side I do not think there will not be room for parking spaces.
Nothing happening as at today 3:00pm, just 2 blue containers on the land on the other side of the road that's at the rear of Sainsbury and they have been there for a long time.
From both work and personal experience my own findings are that there is less mpg from supermarket fuel. In my working life part of my job was the fleet manager for a company that had 1000 vehicles. By recording and monitoring fuel usage I proved that on average the vehicles filled from supermarkets acheived 7 miles per gallon less than those filled on branded fuel. I still record my usage and ...
You got it, east side gets the houses and the west gets the fibre broadband.
My eight year old grandson phoned today to say had I seen it, he said it made him sad to see old rusty again and he is looking forward to seeing the new bridge when he comes down at half term. He likes to come to Dawlish as he thinks it is a nice little town with lots of lovely people, "out of the mouths of babes".
thanks @stephen15 will keep trying
Has anybody got any news on the seawall web cam.
Yes we saw it two, lovely view of old rusty, more should be made in the town of the Brunel legacy and for once we where not overshadowed by Teignmouth
Not bad a book about fraud from a man who is a convicted benefit cheat, still with all the other reading that is out there it does show how corrupt the EU is.