Imagine also the effect of the rail track along the sea wall not being maintained, In a very short space of time the wall would break up leading to major flooding and cliff erosion with all the consequences. I think the powers that be realise this and would be prepared to stand the cost of maintaining as is in lieu of the cost of loss of property. Also the cost of moving the line inland has ...
Because the live in London with a huge mortgage and high living costs.
Quite right willosindawlish unless of course you tuck it into an ISA. But in the Cyprus case the are going to take a percentage of the capital sum.
Hopefully this could be the end of the EU if people around europe wake up to what Brussels would like to do to us all. The MEP's had better look out.
These will become part of Dawlish history in years to come. Thank you for taking the time Ziggy
Had an email from them telling me that they are helping the economy.
And 250,000 already here and some in work, how did they come in if there was an embargo on them being allowed in.
I do not think it matters where the numbers come from, since Poland joined the EU and they had the right to come to the UK 650,000 have come into the UK. If the same happens with Romanians all that will happen is that we become even more over crowded and the problems simply grow. We can all argue as much as we like about numbers the point is that we cannot take any more. For at the size of the ...
Could it be that the person was suspected of employing illegal imigrants
This may be the new HMRC system coming in from the 6th April that all employers have to follow, they have to send to HMRC every time they pay their employees details of pay, tax & ni. This is so that the revenue has the ability to check individuals tax payments to make sure that they are correct, they will also have details of any taxable benefits and pensions. The benefits of this is that no ...