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Judith Chalmers

Judith Chalmers' Posts

Plenty of adverts on FB and Twitter. Also in the Town Crier. But next to nothing in the local press.

No problem Stephen.

23 Nov 2014

Wondering - Stephen meant to type "you-know-who". I.e with the quotation marks. He/she wasn't suggesting that you had inside knowledge as to who was appearing. Though I can understand why you might have thought so.

True, it couldn't be worse than Baileys. The other two in town are fine, but none are as good as Chippy Chaps down in the Warren.

23 Nov 2014

Just what Dawlish needs. Not.  Good luck to the proprietors, they'll need it I think. Now if it was a proper restaurant...

Thanks Kaz.

21 Nov 2014

A random question maybe, but would anyone be able to tell me what building or buildings (if any) occupied the current Co-op car park before it became what it is? Seeing the bricked up archway into a neighbouring back garden/yard made me wonder where it led to/from. Seen it a thousand times but never thought about it before.

Allegedly. If found guilty, then the culprits obviously aren't 'honest lawabiding UK citizens' as you put it.  Can't beat a good old-fashioned knee-jerk reaction though from certain people (not you Carer).

My soul was uplifted this afternoon when I read that the people of Dawlish, the Town Council, and local businesses and organisations had in total raised £26,591.69 for this fund. I'm sure that all 44 claimants are grateful for our generosity.

Yes, quite right Paul, it's all about having a fairer chance. The odds have been stacked in favour of those marauding packs of beheaders for far too long.