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Gary Taylor

Gary Taylor's Posts

Crow all you like Margaret. But where is the Brexit plan? BoJo and Gove didn't want or plan for this result, they just wanted power. Now they have it, let's see what they do with it. In the meantime our economy looks like it will tank - along with the exchange rate. Fill your car up quick - and cancel that foreign holiday. And now Boris takes to the Daily Telegraph to write a letter ...

The only winners I see at the moment Margaret are Iceland.

Independence Day
26 Jun 2016

So Burneside, Project Fear turns into Project Reality. Good luck picking up the pieces - over and out.

26 Jun 2016

Robert Harris - today's Sunday Times:

26 Jun 2016

Except Mcjrpc, nobody in HMG expected it to work. (Great clip BTW) Ben Bradshaw on Sunday Politics BBC SW an hour ago: "Where is the plan? You've led the country up the garden path, now you'll be leading them back down again... Where is the plan?" I'll leave others to fill in the response from A-MM...

26 Jun 2016

Live scenes from the Channel Tunnel right now!!! #Brexit

Sean Leahy ‏ @ thepunningman Jun 24 The only bus in the world where deceit's on the outside

Justine Greening Verified account ‏ @ JustineGreening Today's a good day to say I'm in a happy same sex relationship, I campaigned for Stronger In but sometimes you're better off out! #Pride2016 RETWEETS 5,747 LIKES 17,133 2:31 PM - 25 Jun 2016 5,747 retweets 17,133 likes

That was supposed to help, Fred?

25 Jun 2016

Granted Farage was not the leader of the Leave camp Roberta, but it was his divisive campaining that won the day. Boris Johnson and Micheal Gove have since responded more thoughtfully to the pain many will be feeling - but there is much, much more that will need to be done for us to become a nation more comfortable with itself.