I hope she or he would not lose their job but some train drivers are so badly affected that they are never able to drive again.
I was told last week by GWR that the first wave was built in Japan and the second wave is being built in Italy. As long as they are not of the same design as the original Virgin Voyager trains then the waves crashing over them should not be a problem. Time will tell...........
Let's hope our current councillors read this and take heed! The whole of the lawn area is so well used by families and individuals of all ages, why would we want to emulate other towns who have not got what we have? The lawn is precious but it's exactly that preciousness that some councillors object to and want to destroy.
@Carer - perhaps you should have gone to specsavers! the areas I have been to are blighted by these hideous pieces of useless equipment and, no, I would not like to see our beautiful coast ruined by them.
@ken better not to have them at all for the poor return in power they actually provide!
OMG let's hope it isn't the dreaded wind farm, which has been the blight of the South East coast for years!! N
Well, like others, I am astonished by the personal remarks made by the Webmaster, that is NOT their role. But, I have always had my suspicions about said Webmaster and his/her supposedly impartiality!!
@Indy Scot , thanks for your detailed reply, really helpful. i'll take a look at the information.
Gary, this is an important issue.
@Indy Scot can you tell us what prompted your post?