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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

What does delusional Anon/Roy/Jess mean by this "my kind" that he keeps harping on about yet never explains? A lack of reply from him we can assume denotes a lack of cogent thinking. A lack of intelligence. A lack of soul. A lack of backbone. Or that it's gone past 10pm again and he's had to go to bed again.

Only for those who know how to perform the funny handshake though! There's been plenty of speculation on here today about which one of the committee w/we am/are. Which one do you think I/we am/are (delete whichever one is not applicable, unless you are delusional).

Hmm, when one actually reads more about these houses in Penzance that the SPAG's are protesting about, the more you realise the heartlessness of certain people. All residents of these houses are drug-free and dry! It looks like the people responsible for running these homes are giving the disadvantaged a chance in life. More power to their elbow, I say. So why would anyone begrudge people less ...

The "Save Penzance Action Group"? Is that for real????!!!!!! LOLOLOL 11 houses or 1 youth centre? I know in which town I'd rather be living. Thanks for sharing the info Roy, it makes one grateful to be a resident of Dawlish. Cheers. Are you going to form a protest group in Dawlish, Roy? Be careful with the acronyms though. I know that walking the walking would involve you leaving the keyboard ...

You're protesting to much Chicken Shed. Come on mate, admit it! We are the same person!

Hi Chicken Shed, long time no see. So. Are you replying to yourself? Or am I replying to myself? This is so confusing! LOL

6 Aug 2008

"...his kind..."? "...of their kind..."? I'll ask you Roy for the eleventeenth time, what do you mean by that phraseology? If you don't answer, then I can only assume that it's another one of your stock phrases picked up out of "Conspiracy Theories For Dummies" book that your mother bought you for Christmas. Also, could you please explain for the benefit not just of myself but also the thousands ...

6 Aug 2008

Ah-ha. Roy shows his true colours. He really does HATE Dawlish, and can't bear the thought of people coming to our town to enjoy themselves. It eats away at him. So he goes onto what he calls "holiday websites" to put people off from coming here. That IS mentalist. Like I said, he HATES Dawlish. No wonder he posts as Anon. The gutless keyboard warrior that he is. Yet he won't do anything ...

Carnival Cheek
5 Aug 2008

OK it's time to come clean. I admit it. OK, I admit it. I'm really a spook sent down to the West country by agents of her majesties services to try to hide from the thousands of viewers of this website the fact that the Government is secretly trying to poison your children. ON PURPOSE! There I've said it. It's off my chest now, and I feel so much better for it. May god forgive me.

The Motorist
5 Aug 2008

Is that a wing mirror or a rear view mirror? You don't like answering questions do you?