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expat's Posts

Does the station really need two bridges? The new one with a lift looks good. Why not get rid of the old one?

I have family in Ukraine. They wanted to come here to us but its so complicated they are going to stay in Germany instead. They grabbed what they could and drove 20 hours to get to Poland. One of the questions on the application form asks people to prove they left Ukraine after February 23rd. Another wanted to know any mortgage details you may have. If you were bringing a dog there is an 11 page ...

Not too sure about my memory nowadays but the sum of £800,000 being paid to them springs to mind.

Very well deserved.

It all happens in Warrennation street.

I know several that have had it with no problems other than a slightly sore arm. Looking forward to having mine.

Glad they are gone but isnt this post a bit out of date?

Its so crowded there we dont go there any more plus you cant enjoy the walk because you are constantly looking down to avoid dog mess. Lots of places to go on Haldon with very few people about.

Anyone seen the planning application for gypsy caravans and mobile homes in Mamhead? Ref: 20/02046/FUL with Teignbridge. Its the field where the alpacas are.

I live on Riviera Terrace right by where the wall  was washed away. Evacuated for a month then weeks of work 24/7 outside our window. Didnt keep us awake at all!