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Mcjrpc's Posts

SoD - Mr Weeks had my support even before its recent surge of momentum but beware of mission creep.   If you start making mischief over Lady's Mile and getting at JC because she doesn't see it the same way you could end up looking vindictive.  That's when support could start falling away.  Keep focussed on the orginal goal.

11 Dec 2014

JC - I'm not sure that proves anything.  When I walk by Seven Sisters sometimes there are cows and/or sheep in the field and sometimes there aren't.  I'm no farmer but I used to live opposite a farm and the cattle were never in the same place all the time.

11 Dec 2014

SoulofDawlish - by bringing up the subject of these mobile homes on Lady's Mile and clearly having dug deep into their planning applications,  I'm wondering if you have a larger axe to grind than the subject of Mr Week's farm?    If so it makes me uncomfortable as I have supported his plight in good faith.

8 Dec 2014

Indeed, this is a bigger story than one man resisting a CPO of his farm,  it needs to get to the bottom of why TDC is ignoring the two most obvious and adjacent sites.   The owners of those sites will be quids in if they can sidestep an agricultural price for SANGS in favour of a more lucrative housing development price.  Why is TDC supporting them?    Do these landowners (who clearly have other ...

7 Dec 2014

I stopped at the stall today and want to double check something.   Is it right that the owners of the land earmarked for the housing development also own Options 1 and 2 earmarked for SANGS, which happen to be adjacent to the proposed housing, as opposed to Option 3 (Weekes Farm) some distance away?   Is it also true that the landowner prefers to hold on to Options 1&2 for further housing ...

And here are the directors. Bizarre.  Why would the police issue such a vague warning when you only have to google the phone number to trace them.

Is this notion of deterring visitor numbers to Dawlish Warren for real? How can something like that become an objective in an area which is founded on holiday parks and tourism?   If it really is a primary goal surely the obvious thing would be to compulsorily purchase a couple of caravan parks.   That'd put paid to the visitor numbers (and knock out a sizeable chunk of the local economy ...

Lynne - I hope you're putting yourself forward for the Steering Group.

Margaret, why bother agreeing with my thread then continue with your bickering?  Why don't you take it to the Lawn and pull each other's hair out like two hormonal teenagers.  I'm sure you'll pull a bigger crowd and at least they can choose to avoid it, we're forced to read this nonsense. WEBMASTER - would you consider moderating posts before they are published?   I'm guessing, like me, ...

Please will you both GIVE IT A REST.   It's gone on for too long and you are now hijacking nearly every thread with your incessant petty slanging match.  You don't have to keep hammering home each other's shortcomings, we're well able to make our own judgements.   Why not switch your insults to private messages and let others get a word in edgeways.