@Ziggy Is this an excerpt from the Dawlish Town Council website or their social media? Could you please provide a reference. Is it written by a Town Councillor? Or did you write it? I ask as it reads; " We need your help! We need your views!" I'm not aware of any Cllrs or Council staff called Ziggy. I doubt any staff are working on a Saturday morning. Wouldn't it ...
Were you aware that Dawlish Town Council has Town Councillor Surgeries? Every 2 weeks - Saturdays 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. In 4 different locations; Dawlish Library Holcombe Village Hall, Cockwood Village Hall St Mary’s Hall Dawlish Warren It is a “...surgery system, similar to those operated by many MPs, where any concerns within the parish may be raised.” and “Councillors ...
@Ziggy if you don't want to discuss the Manor Gardens bridge why don't you post your news item and updates in the News section? And please reference the quote (the paper or website, etc), otherwise why should anyone believe this quote was from Cllr Dawson? Why can't the bridge be constructed from wood? It is a renewable resource, cheaper than metal and it only has to bear the weight of ...
@Ziggy And where was the quote published? Why not provide the source? And what are your thoughts on that update?
@Ziggy Where is the update from? Who met with Teignbridge Officers?
@Carer Then you'd presume wrong. Your comment is actually pretty flippant. My posts so far have covered the lack of Councillor integrity, wasting taxpayers money, ignoring local people,etc. Discussion/ debate tends to focus on topics where there's disagreement, difference or the need for improvement. If you're not interested in discussion, then why not scroll past those listings? I am ...
@Webmaster I already have, can't unfollow Events though. You miss the point, most people will not be aware they are following everything by default, they'll just see one general forum that they assume is Discussion, flooded with pieces of information that evidently aren't leading to discussion. The discussion section becomes devalued. Me unfollowing Notices and other sections won't make a ...
If you flood a discussion forum with posts that are just pieces of information that evidentlly aren't leading to discussion, then the discussion section becomes devalued.
It's not FREE in any case. The agencies aren't working at this event out of the kindness of their hearts, they're all funded by the taxpayer. And collectively these agencies and Councils aren't improving the situation. The funding just keeps them all in work and contributes to their pensions. So kind that all these agencies can club together for a slow cooker, air-fryer and electric blanket. ...