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Mcjrpc's Posts

Just saw it on Spotlight (including the unfortunately captioned 'Breaking Wind').  Looked like the path splits into two at Lanherne, one strand running along High St to Costcutter.   Be interested to see what they can do along that road other than install a green stripe. If if the seawall is not going to be sympathetically restored to a Victorian seawall,  in the long term maybe they could ...

26 Jan 2015

Ha, you're very kind Lynn, thanks:) How many banners will there be?   The swans could bookend them, the mangled rail could even be a motif linking them all, but as JC said, they need to be dynamic.   Is there anything historic about Dawlish that is not widely known to visitors - Dawlish being the main cultivator of Devon violets and the 'birthplace' of Nicholas Nickelby etc?  I love the ...

From the press release: Funding for the project has come from: £1.3 million from the Coastal Communities Fund £89,000 (section 106) developer contributions from development in Dawlish £10,000 from Dawlish Town Council Land, from Teignbridge District Council.

Uh oh,  here comes the cavalry. OP said  ' Hopefully the selected photos will be more than the usual tired clichés such as Black Swans on the brook'. More than doesn't exclude them.  You and your sister  seem to struggle with the English language. It's a fair point.   Lovely as they are, Dawlish should have more to celebrate than just the swans.

I'd read about it but wasn't aware of the location. I just had a quick look at the planning application - pages and pages of documents but sorry to say it passed me by at the time.  Maybe when it's not on your doorstep it holds less significance, then it's too late. I hope as they say it will be out of sight, it would be a shame if it scarred such a beautiful vista.

Yes, your paranoia seems to be leaping off the screen at us!

Actually Burneside, I think you're putting the cart before the horse.   Mrs C's real identity would inevitably be revealed if your allegations of libel were to be pursued in the first place. It is possible to defame a pseudonym but it's a complex area where in the final analysis damages awarded would have to make it a worthwhile case to bring.  A cat fight on is not going to go ...

21 Jan 2015

Lynne, this isn't about wanting to dig into Mr Weeks personal circumstances it's about presenting a balanced picture.  I support the injustice of his situation, I even think if a CPO went ahead he should be compensated at a commercial rate not an agricultural rate.  I'd just like to know what, ultimately, I'm supporting - no sale or a sale at a fair price.   You're pressing his case very hard here ...

21 Jan 2015

So did Mr Weeks have to give consent?  Is he open to alternative uses?  If he was being offered a development price rather than an agricultural price for the land, would he be more amenable?