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Joey Deacon

Joey Deacon's Posts

A tee-totaller does not only drink tea. How worrying that an intellect of your capacity might make such a basic error. I'll have to downgrade my expectations for you from being a future P.M. to, instead, being a future Chancellor of the Exchequer... That makes me very upset. Over to you, oh keyboard warrior. ROY! ROY! HE'S NOT COY!

22 Jun 2008

Oh dear Roy, you seem to be projecting. I do not post on here under any other user name. Can you say the same? It would seem from your latest rant that you are a teetotal homophobic. Is this true Roy? Or are you in denial? I'll add "Ban Alcohol" to your manifesto. P.S. Seeing as you are questioning my intellect, I'll have to burst your balloon by telling you that I have a CSE in both woodwork ...

22 Jun 2008

Why is praising foreigners for their tremendous work ethic deemed by you to be racist??? You disappoint me to be so judgmental of someone who would do anything fo you. These Polaks that Viaduct is slagging off are doing jobs that the indigenous population are too bone-idle to do themselves. And bloody well done to the Polaks for getting their hands dirty. Too many white English 16 to 30 year ...

Oh dear Roy (my hero), I'm sure it's only a temporary error of judgement on your part to stoop so low as to accuse me of posting on here using more than one user name. That particular tactic is only only used by scum, and I'd never resort to that because I have no need to. I'm sure that you don't either, eh, Roy (my hero)? I can definitely confirm that I'm a happy chappy - moreso now that you (my ...

22 Jun 2008

Give it a rest. The Polaks do a cracking job washing my car.

I've just added "Ban Retards" and "Ban Reality TV" to Roy's ever-growing manifesto. The wave of public support is getting bigger and bigger! People were even talking about his campaign at the crazy golf course this morning. AHOY! IT'S ROY THE BOY!

Le marché continental est fantastique! Les hamburgers de cheval sont délicieux, tandis que l'escargot cuit à l'étouffée est impressionnant! Où est Roy ?

Sandy Lane car park
21 Jun 2008

Hey Roy, you can add "Ban the disabled" to your manifesto too. With the new parking meters being installed, does that mean I'm going to have to find another car park where I can go dogging?

Roy is my hero! With his manifesto for a better Dawlish, once he's elected he's bound to go from Councillor to MP to Prime Minister in no time at all. Ban cars. Ban pubs. Ban meetings. Ban pigeons. Ban tourists. Ban homosexuals Ban councillors. Er. That's it. VOTE ROY. HE'S THE BOY.

19 Jun 2008

You're my hero, Roy! I'm really looking forward to voting for you when you put yourself forward to join the council. You *are* going to put yourself forward, aren't you?