mmm...could user4549 be Mr Dix?
nobody on the forum knows me. Martin is Martin Dix, Peter harry's speed camera buddy (starcross).... did get a little shouty the other night didn't I? sorry, I just got the right old hump.
hee hee! does anyone really know anyone here, or are we all secrets?
I have seen a fair few conspiracy theories lately and it's easy to see why and how someone would choose to "disappear"...
Hi, I have no real beef with user4549 and viaduct other than the fact that i personally believe that Mr Harry was not hard done by when receiving parking fines, he knew the lines were there irrespective of the regulations. They will not accept that this is my right to personal opinion, indeed as someone posted "why can't i accept that they are right"? because i don't believe they are, as many ...
sorry, i meant could not sue, it's my hands shaking with this fatwah over my head.
can i just apologise for the jibe about (drug)user on a post? i found an old post where you were referred to as that and saw it wound you up and thought i would have a go. can see it didnt work though and i feel a little shameful i stole from someone else to get a laugh. you do realise though that you would have been able to sue for that though?
hee hee! you ever read rumpelstiltskin?
Roy & Don, as i am fairly new to the forums, (wish I'd never bothered, i fear user4549 wants to punch me in the ear)... Are our common foes anything to do with rival taxi firms?
Birdman? I don't get that one?