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leatash's Posts

I thought you would all like to know it's only a 151 days to CHRISTMAS

Are there not Doctors, Teachers, Priests, etc still in post after commiting offences that have been dealt with internally of course there are, and yes other professions look after there own we may not like it and i don't but that's the world we live in.

25 Jul 2015

What about Doctors, Nurses, Firemen,Postman,Priest's all people we trust there are bad apples in every profession we have nurses who have killed patients and doctors who have committed sexual offences and priests who are still in post after causing untold misery to children do i need to go on.

So if you have no assets and you need care what happens then answers on a postcard please.

I watched a program a few nights ago where british tax payers money is being used to build toilets in Bangladesh charity starts at home comes to mind.

PUT THE EDERLY IN PRISON We should place the elderly in prison they will get a shower every day, video surveillance in case of problems, three meals a day, access to a library a computer, tv, gym, doctor on site and free medication if needed. Then put criminals in nursing homes and they will get cold meals lights of at 7pm two showers a week live in a small room and pay £2000 a month rent. ...

Maybe things like road orders could be available at the library that would save folk who think there's a problem with parking could access the information simply and with no cost to Devon County or is that to simple.

16 Jul 2015

The point is that the law works both ways it is your responsibility to park according to the law but the local authority also has a obligation in law and there responsibility is that all lines, signs,road orders comply with the law. Now when the Police controled parking every line sign and road order was checked every six months and anything wrong was put right. Devon County and Teignbridge are ...

It's strange how you forget things it was of course the norm to pay for toilets 1 old penny and of course thats why we say JUST GOING TO SPEND A PENNY.

15 Jul 2015

This is just another service we are losing and there will be many more as  there are lots of cuts to come.  But our esteemed leader says we all have to shoulder part of the burden i wonder if the public toilets in central London are being closed??