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voice of freedom

voice of freedom's Posts

The Conservative party......the party that smashed family values in the 1980's, with its look after yourself and stuff everyone else attitude. Thatchers money means everything and values mean nothing. Yes were really going to take notice of a party lead by snivelling hooray henry's who remind us of the Blairite tripe we just got rid of. LIB/LAB/CON their all the same, promise the world , when ...

13 May 2008

Hang on a minute, i could have sworn it was todays youngsters that were fighting in Iraq and Afganistan and not 2nd world war veterans!

12 May 2008

Always remember that those young parents of today learnt everything they know from the Bobs and Viaducts of this world. So whos to blame for the mess this country is in. As for the teaching of Kids to put themselves 1st. This comes form the Mess that 70's Labour and Thatchers Tory Britain made of this country. As 3 million of us were unemployed ,and had nothing, leaving school with qualifications ...

I suggest that we demand that the Town Clerk resigns . I also suggest that we turn up at the next council meeting and vent our anger. Isnt there a standards commitee in London that acts as a court on dodgy council decisions. Its time to get this corrupt council out.

23 Apr 2008

get those letters in

Watch what you say
19 Apr 2008

Our Nazi government monitors most websites, the phones etc. Type certain words or say them on the phone and the Labour stormtroopers start listening or watching. Surely you knew that. The problem they have is if so many are saying the same things , their is nothing they can do about it.