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Dawlish News

So Reform get just over 42% of the votes Labour got, but Reform get over 400 seats less in the election. If the election had been under proportional rules Reform would have got over 90 which would have been a better representaion of the peoples feelings. As long as we have first past the post we will always have a merry go round of the same old two cheeks of the same arse with the same old ...

Went down to have a look, if it had not been for the big tent on The Lawn I would have thought it was just a normal day! Well done in putting so much effort into the celebrations Yeh.

E. V!

Or may be ask them if they know where kids are getting it from!

Poor loves. I had some niggles with my Rolls Royce Ghost, although that was £223k, I do understand  their pain.

Scamdemic in my opinion.

Certainly a lot of water has come down in the last few hours. I have never seen the fields around {Aller Hill) on the ford and near Aller Farm so flooded. It has pushed the pony and 2 horses very close to the wire fence. Hopefully it will drain soon. Poor image quality due to the weather conditions, but gives u an idea.

I doubt anything will be actioned other than the sea wall request. There are a lot more issue on the social support level that needs addressing, but that won't happenany time soon, if at all. based on the previous 2 decades of slow spiralling decline of the area and economy, in my opinion.

Supposedly the CO OP was broken into last night, but the coppers did not even turn up, I suppose they had better things to do!

Dear me, it's like been given a choice of apples but they are all moldy.

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