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Dawlish News

Now that is has gone, is there any sugestions as to what this newly created open space can be used for? And I hope readers to this post will apreciate that the demolition was only completed on the 9th October and not on the 4th October as was stated by the Dawlish News. And there is still some making good before the safety barriers are removed. So where does the truth lie? Well it wasn't in ...

4 Oct 2017

Doesn't news papers always exagerate one way or another? How did they come up with HISTORIC beach kiosk?

Health ad safety, you must have heard about that, it's everywhere.

This can't be right surely:- " Plans have been submitted to Teignbridge Council to update and renovate the course at Tuck’s Plot which has been running for more than 20 years but has been in need of updating. How long ago was it that there was a masive crater there that now houses the underground sewage holding tank? Does this safari theme sugestion, mean we are going to get more white ...

As it is so easy to look over to the car park of this Country side park from the main road and as I pass there several times a week in dell boy's reliant which doesn't go very fast, I shall be taking special interest. Already heard it is a god place to dispose of old cars that as I understand the market to take old cars has collapsed for the moment, meaning you have to pay the scrap dealers to ...

With all that rain on Sunday and with the clutch so near to low water, I am wondering whether or not they are still there. Perhaps someone can confirm.

I will throw in two penny worth for all of your thoughts. What will happen to this countryside park when all of the razzamatazz has died down. It looks a prime site for some hippy-ho's to move onto and then the fun will start.