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Dawlish News

Whats yo ur point with this post? are yo u linking regretable deaths among the p ublic with the tens of tho usands arrests where things do not go badlyy wrong? Are yo u insin uating that this is police br utality in the uk, or are yo u trying to link this with BLM,?  If yo ur posting general hyperlinks at least say why................................

black lives matter
6 Jun 2020

Pitif ul t urno ut ( 400 ) at exeter for the BLM, seems most folk had common sense and stayed away or perhaps the did not want to catch covid-19. Maybe we sho uld have a all lives matter demonstration. Norwich co uncil apoligise for painting over grafitti.????  not to mention cops going down on one knee, perhaps sho uld stay upright and try and solve crime............. ...

5 Jun 2020

Whilst sympathising with the loss of life of Floyd what utter use is a BLM ? No one is going to give a toss about a group of protesters in Devon who will probably contain the usual left wing, anacharists, reds and all other types of groups who enjoy a day out chanting and thinking that they will have any relevance or influence in changing the world. Bet these people kept silent when Mugabe and his ...

4 Jun 2020

Only a matter of time before a teignbridge BLM demonstration appears .......................!!!!!

3 Jun 2020

I read a "black" ex-cop was killed trying to defend his friends shop from looters...............seems his life does not matter to the rioters

Are we s upoosed to be gratef ul ???  Maintenance of the rail network is s uposed to be part of network rail remit.

"Terrifying"? If she has had no results after 10 days and she still feels ok it would suggest that she has not got it.

lib dem  summary,  please feel free to add as i have forgotten the others bin tax - said they were going to scrap if in power-did not. dog walking- 4 dogs at a time fiasco climate change- 35k job for a pen pusher newton says No - Never listen to the people sunday parking- how to shut down the high street reduction in services- cant cut grass but can afford to waste money on ...

28 Feb 2020

Someones got to pay the £35k pension  salary  for a pen pusher so why should the taxpayers be amazed. The lib dems must hold the record for shooting themselves in the foot after only being in office a short while. Anyway hope they enjoy the ride because they will be out at next election.

In america some states execute criminals so why not here.....your ststement does not stand up just because other countries do it does not mean we have to follow suit!!!!.  The labotomy dems are trying their best to screw teignbridge  into the ground with false promises and hair-brained schemes. Why do never hear the voices of the independent councilers on the teignbridge commitee rather than hooky ...