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General Discussion

How on earth can I ensure that any enquiries are sidelined?

14 Jun 2008

Not sure how you reckon from my postings that I'm defending anyone - I merely wanted to let people know who their cllrs are and how to contact them. Whether or not people do, and whether or not they get any response from the Cllrs if they do is another matter entirely. Smug and arrogant? - not me mate. (Unless of course it takes one to know one?)

13 Jun 2008

I am not a councillor - nor do I wish to be one. As you don't know who I am how do you know that I am "smug" and "arrogant". That you claim that I am those things without even knowing me shows smugness and arrogance on your part I believe. Let people test the system and judge as THEY find. You never know they might end up agreeing with you. For all you know I might agree with you,already,right ...

12 Jun 2008

At the risk of being on the receiving end of the cynical wrath of Viaduct, Jambuster and various others here is some info on our local cllrs. If you don't like what's going on, tell them!(and that includes about planning applications -not that I'm inciting anyone about anything in particular you understand. Me? Perish the thought. Teignbridge District Council Humphrey Clemens, Manor Farm, ...