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General Discussion

And so could all the campers in the campsites!

13 Aug 2008

I was at the boot fair in Warren Road yesterday. Definite aroma of sewage works in the air.

This thread started off with a tongue in cheek comment about why Seaway is closed. Surprise, surprise, we've gone right off the subject and into Cllr, Rotary, Roundtable etc etc bashing. No doubt Viaduct, Roy and goodness knows what other names will now post to say "it was them wot done it" (closed Seaway that is). You wait - I'm sure we won't be disappointed.

4 Jul 2008

Nothing to do with wrong licences being issued and money being sought in compensation - No! - tis all to do with the pong from the Sewage Treatment works situated right opposite. Well....anyone else got any different theories? PS And anyone any idea why what looks like a couple of garage doors have been placed up against the gate that leads into the Seaway field?

Pooey Pong
12 Feb 2008

I believe there is a small sewarage works in the woods by the path that leads from Starcross up to the carpark by the shop at Powderham Castle. That's what I mean by being away from human habitation. Also, I believe the sewarage works on Warren Road was built after the campsites were there. I tried walking along that part of Warren Road again today - minging is not the word. I couldn't do it and ...

11 Feb 2008

Somewhere away from human habitation might be a good idea don't you think?

10 Feb 2008

And the people who live around Sandy Lane would have the sewer works and its pongs! Almost as brainless a response as those responsible for building the sewer works at its present site.

9 Feb 2008

Yes if course we need sewage works but why in an area that has lots of camping sites?

7 Feb 2008

I've just walked along Warren Road. The bit by the sewer works is absolutely minging. It's revolting. Who on earth gave South West Water permission to build a sewer works right in the middle of a caravan/camping area? Moronic.