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General Discussion

Teignmouth Lloyds Bank closed. Including the ATMs which had more functionality that regular ATMs. A bit of a shame. Are we really expected not to use cash at all? A few months ago the card payments at major supermarkets went down, could only use cash. Doesn't make sense.

New New Labour
6 days ago

Please put proof that the 'climate crisis' is real.

Moving to Dawlish
1½ weeks ago

Dawlish is a wonderful place to live. I always say to myself how lucky we are to live here. You got great beaches, lovely little shops and cafes, plenty of green spaces, a little stream with ducks and swans. Dawlish Warren nature reserve is close by. Map below is just my suggestion of a location, but seems to tick a lot of boxes.

Trump was going to win anyway, but now, even more so. Make America Great Again.

If a person / government comes up with a clever scam, it gets copied by others. I believe the climate change is a scam. It controls people by fear. "Do this or your children will have no air to breath". All around the world governments have realised this is a brilliant control mechanism and copied it. Natural climate change was the greatest thing to ever happen to this country. It made us an ...

2 weeks ago

I agree. I couldn't vote tory (which I usually do) because I couldn't say, you're doing great, carry on. I voted reform, with the idea that if reform get a big number of votes then hopefully labour and the tories would think, that's a lot of people not happy with the normal parties and change, so they don't say one thing but do something else. I really hope labour do a good job, maybe they ... No mention of how much it cost to save a tiny percent of CO2 emissions that will make zero difference to the planet apart from depriving plants of food.

2 weeks ago

Labour Last week. We're going to fix everything, time for change, they promised everything. This week. The UK economy is in a terrible state, we won't do anything. The actual result will be higher taxes, lot more regulation, economy dead and buried.

What's not to like?

3 weeks ago

The Reform UK Party has nothing to do with National Front. Reform are the party of commonsense. I'll be voting for them tomorrow.

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