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General Discussion

Why do we have to pay for on street parking anyway? Cllr Clatworthy was the lead player in introducing this in Dawlish in 2004. He is now deputy leader of Devon County Council and is hell bent on introducing it in other coastal and market towns in Devon. He is a capitalist and all capitalist give in one hand and take back twice as much with the other.

Where are the black swans?

Letter Of Complaint
9 Jul 2009

A velly vell put togever letter. Viaducts tongue is not forked and he knows there are many clamouring for his silence. If there have been libellous jibes made by him, let those who think they have been libelled, speak up - not those that think he has libelled someone else complain on their behalf.

With the wit of some who frequent this site, including the law...ley clan, it is quite easy at times to work out who is who. There are plenty that have gone missing and more that have joined. How long has FEL-699 been masquerading that he is clearly something he is not?

Swine Flu
4 Jul 2009


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