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General Discussion

19 Jun 2008

Quality my arse! Can't wait to see the gang being dismantled....starting with dick bungler ross being humbled in the next election.

11 Jun 2008

People like Dick Younger Ross and (lower down the pecking order) councillors thrive on the electorates apathy. As long as the public accept the false impression that they can't change anything, then politicians and councillors will abuse the situation. They certainly don't have altruistic intentions...... their good deeds always come with an invoice.

10 Jun 2008

There are many beliefs.....but only one truth. Many bodies who wish to see their corruption go undetected are prone to 'pushing out' various truth's, to confuse and deflect. Politicians to Councillors operate this way, benefitting from a corrupt system, while accusing those that seek the truth, of being vexatious or disruptive. Strikes me that Councillors and Politicians have a lot to hide.