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General Discussion

Well, you do have a lot to say for yourself. And it confirms what I have been saying all along, you are weekend warriors, who THINK they know better than anyone else, the fact still remains, you are civvis who are playing at it, as a "hobby" as you put it. You can write all you like about your "system" and about Jim Wagner. I recall talking to a friend of mine who was in the Marines, they were on ...

13 Apr 2008

It would seem that you do not like to be criticised. You keep telling us this is your "hobbie". If I WAS going to learn this sort of thing, I would go to a Professional, not someone who does this part time as a "hobbie". Like the previous post, I have spoken to 2 friends of mine in the police force, they also no nothing about this Jim Wagner guy or his training programme. It would seem that like ...

13 Apr 2008

OK, further to my earlier post, I have had a look around the net for information on Jim Wagner. Here is a small paragraph from his website, where he is talking about a “self-defence knife”. “We want a knife that will not only be the ultimate self-defense knife for martial artists and civilians, but one that the police and military will want as well” Dietmar Pohl said to me extending his beer ...

13 Apr 2008

A good friend of mine told me about this site the other day and some of the nonsense that appears on here, having spent a little time looking at some of the threads, I can not beleive what I am reading. I live in Holcombe and my son is in Afghanistan fighting terrorism for real. I think it is about time this weekend warrior, whoever he is, and who keeps putting rubbish on here about how tough he ...