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General Discussion

6 Jun 2008

Agree.... Makes you wonder why we do our utmost to save the planet, only to pass it on to dullards like Cheese!

6 Jun 2008

Amazed If there are so many educated people in Dawlish, then why do they hesitate or decline to question their corrupt local council? Too busy watching Saturday night TV or getting drunk in the local pubs perhaps? Unable to rinse the alcohol from their shriveled brains, they can do nothing but; vote for their favourites on premium phone-line talent(ahem)shows; discuss football; woefully attempt ...

Sea View Open again
23 May 2008

Sounds very suspicious..... You can bet your last pound that our councillors know exactly what's going on. They will be networking their little socks off for those brown envelopes, whilst doing nothing to inform the people they profess to represent, what is really going on with the supermarket situation. How much of a coincidence is it that many of our councillors also run businesses connected to ...

The statement from How To Complain just proves how corrupt this system is. The collusion between Councils, Councillors, Roundtable and Rotary to ensure nothing or on one stops them from lining their pockets is indefensible. Then they have the temerity to claim they do what they do, only for the benefit of their community. What utter liars and cheats these people are. Their real motives are ...

21 May 2008

Well said all of you! I recently contacted Dawlish Town Council to make a complaint. I spoke to someone named Penny Cracknell, who instructed me to make my complaint in writing to the Town Clerk (Mr Winchester), stating that he would investigate the matter. I decided not to in the end, as i was disappointed that MY Town Council would be investigating itself. What a barmy set-up! Am i right in ...