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General Discussion

The planning application is to be considered by the TDC Planning Committee on Tues 23 Sept. a committee made up of Councillors. Here's the thing, if you are an objector or a supporter,  you have had only eleven days notification of the meeting telling you that only ONE objector or ONE supporter can speak at the meeting.  If you are a third party to a planning application you do not have the ...

Travellers have a new site being built for them in a lovely woodland situation in Haldon Forest.

The Devon Garden Trust submitted some interesting comments to TDC regarding the Lawn We would ask you to persuade Dawlish Town Council to reconsider their proposals and, rather than introducing more clutter onto The Lawn, to seriously consider commissioning a Landscape Strategy and Management Plan from a landscape architect specialising in historic designed landscapes to ...

The fair is here and the carnival is on. There is fun to be had on the lawn!  At the moment there is no green space but that is part of the beauty of Dawlish Lawn .. its versatility! Rather concerned that the planning application stands as is. Leaving the bid and the need to do something about the bandstand area aside, why does the existing plan breech planning policies S2,  WE11 & EN5.    Why ...

13 Aug 2014

People were occupying the tarmac, using it as an open space.  Tarmac can be replaced with  paving to make it less of an eyesore, its area should not be used to justify building footprints. Any new building, regardless of footprint size, that replaces the bandstand would probably need the same hard area again that the tarmac occupies to take concentrated foot traffic. From the onset ...

12 Aug 2014

I sort of understand the reasoning behind the CCF bid and the application for a cultural pavillion, but cannot link the proposal to reversing the demise of Dawlish Town Centre or enhancing the lawn area.   It is planning madness to plan/build out of town supermarkets and retail parks and then permit a building (the size of the pavillion) on a green open space, (the size of the lawn) to ... try and ...

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